Day 7 after surgery
Well I made it thru the surgery and I will say if you can get thru the first 5 to 6 days you are going to be ok. It is so scarry because you do not feel good until the 4th day. I had several back and bladder surgeries and my back is very painful. I have been quite unconfortable and still have scarry thoughts about recovery right now. I had a bad bout with my medication because I would wait too long and then I took too much medication and next thing I was trying to throw up and having diareaha and sweating and crying and everything and it finally passed. I felt like such a 52 year old wimp.Anyhow good luck to you all out there and I am proud of you.
Hey Connie,
Glad you're feeling better. I hear what you are saying. I'm 6 days out, and it was the first 4 days that were the most miserable for me as well. I kept having to remind myself that this was just temporary and it will get better. I still have some minor pain, but it's tolerable during the day on tylenol.
mgm &
IDI Bitty - born 6 days ago
Connie - good to hear you are feeling better now. Sounds like quite the trial to get through the first week with those meds. I have a bad back too, but thankfully it eased up on my during recovery, so I was able to go without meds. This was amazing to me, but I guess it shouldn't be THAT amazing as I asked God for relief and he gave it! ;) Hope you continue feeling better!!
Dina - Open RNY 3/10/04
338 / 325 / 313 / 150
Wimp? WIMP? How could you EVEN consider yourself a wimp knowing not only what you've gone thru, but what you'll have to adapt to for the rest of your life?
I'm sorry, but I have to strongly disagree with you, Connie.
For what we've gone thru to GET WLS (all the hoops, hoops, and more hoops we're made to jump thru...followed by YET more hoops and jumping...), then going thru the WLS itself, then adapting to the immediate post-op
dietary stages in order to give our bodies time to heal...wimp? Don't THINK so!
I think WLS folk are about the most strong-minded, tenacious group of people around!!! And I've BEEN with some "big dogs" and "bad-@$$ed" people in my time. No one outside of the WLS world could EVER realize the STRENGTH it takes!
Wimp? Not in your life, toots!!
You just take whatever time you need to feel better. For some it's quickly, for others, it's a struggle, and for yet others, it's a gradual process. Your body will dance to its own tune: just pay attention to what it's telling you and follow your surgeon's wise advice.
Wimp? Sheeya, right...I've seen bigger wimps on a football field making millions of dolllars in the NFL and going thru WAY LESS than what you've gone thru...
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles