Almost time
Well yall, it's almost time for me to leave for the hospital. I have to be there at 9:45 and it's about an hour and a half drive, but to be safe we are leaving about 7:30. I have most of my stuff together. I have showered, just need to braid my hair. No make up today. I slept like a rock, the little bit I did sleep. So much for staying up late so I would sleep through. LOL.
Mr Mo is going to call Kimmer and let her know how things are, so she will update yall. I will be at Pennisula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury MD. AND with luck and prayers I will be home on Thursday.
doin' the OMG this is the last post until I am in Newpouch happy Mo dance 

p.s. Laptop will be with me, but it remains to be seen if I will be able to use it or if I will feel up to using it.

Mo - you are most certainly in the throes of making it to the other side as I type this but I wanted to let you know I'm here rooting you on and can't wait to hear how you are doing! And if you're anything like me, that laptop will just sit there gathering dust while your in the hospital.
Dina - Open RNY 3/10/04
338 / 325 / 313 / 150