Made it safely to the "Other Side"
Hi all! Well I made it home. Actually came home Friday but I've become best friends with the recliner. We don't separate unless absolutely necessary
I came through surgery with flying colors. Had a muscle spasm in my neck Wednesday night but that was taken care of with Robaxin and haven't had any problems since. I still have some pain in my left side...which I would expect only 4 days out LOL It's not excruciating...just moderately uncomfortable. Other than that, I'm doing great! Love taking the walks...that seems to relieve some of the pain. So do showers! I would stay in the shower all day if I could
I go for first post op appt on March 29. Seems unreal that I'm already a "post op" LOL
I see everyone here names their new pouchies.... I need some suggestions please. I am so uncreative when it comes to stuff like that
Take care and thanks for all the support and messages.

Kathy C.
on 3/22/04 12:36 am - Someplace, MI
on 3/22/04 12:36 am - Someplace, MI
Hi Dawn!!! Welcome Home!!! So glad to see another "loser"!!!!!
As for a pouch name with you being from LA I am thinking something from LA.. Gumbo..... Crayfish... Sarepta...
OK SO all I know about LA is Trace Adkins and a lot of good food.
Offishal Marchers Cheerleader Captain
Flatulence Monitor
Angel to the Queen
"It's time to throw down the pom poms and get into the game!"