Why was I singled out like that?

on 3/21/04 10:00 am - Mesa, AZ
I wrote about my experience because I needed to feel better. But Kathy singled out almost every experience I had in her "uplifting" message that you all just loved. Why??
Melissa R.
on 3/21/04 10:04 am - Moultrie, Ga
Sally hun what are you talking about? I missed it... (((Hugs))) Misty
Kathy C.
on 3/21/04 10:08 am - Someplace, MI
It was not only YOUR comments I was referring to... I was aiming the post at whining in general..... AND Not everyone LOVED my response.. and I don't care if they did or not. Just giving my opinion on this..... If repeating YOUR WORDS made you feel badly and to quote you.. " feel like a snob and a heartless, ungrateful person" then perhaps you should think about that ... You said it not me.... This wasn't a personal attack on you... You weren't the only one complaining about such trivial matters.... Sinseerlee, Kathy Offishal Marchers Cheerleader Captain Flatulence Monitor Angel to the Queen "It's time to throw down the pom poms and get into the game!"
on 3/21/04 10:21 am - Mesa, AZ
the exact quote was "not be made to feel like a snob and a heartless, ungrateful person. I am not a snob. I am not heartless and I am not an ungrateful person. I met everyone of the challenges set before me those 2 days and the nurses appreciated me so much. There are some other unpleasant things I did not mention that had no bearing on my seeking healing in this matter, to protect others....but I certainly do not deserve a whole post to be dedicated to selfishness when others are suffering worse. That goes along with the same kind of mentality that you should eat everything on your plate because there are starving people in the world.
Kathy C.
on 3/21/04 10:26 am - Someplace, MI
I had the quote correct.. it was a copy and paste... You choose not to see others suffering as worthy of your attention and that's fine... it is your perogative... As for cleaning your plate and starving people in the world.. UMMMM .. Well let's just say this whole thing has stopped making sense.... ANYONE who would be disgusted and aggravated by another human's suffering has some issues.. and if that makes you seem heartless and the shoe fits... Sinseerlee, Kathy Offishal Marchers Cheerleader Captain Flatulence Monitor Angel to the Queen "It's time to throw down the pom poms and get into the game!"
on 3/21/04 10:28 am - Mesa, AZ
I cut and pasted too...you just forgot the part before it. I have no idea why you are saying such cruel things to me.
Kathy C.
on 3/21/04 10:33 am - Someplace, MI
I am being CRUEL to you?? You get on here whining over such trivial things when people on here are DYING and you have the nerve to get mad when you don't have a window or a big hallway?? It's not CRUEL it's LIFE... Life is Hard... You weren't the only one whining but your post in particular is very disgusting in itself when you said how aggravated you were by her being so sick! That's cruel...and you don't seem grateful or happy at all... This wasn't a personal attack on You SALLY... but you can see for yourself by reviewing your own posts how it made you look...
Mobile G.
on 3/21/04 11:35 am - mobile, al
You have your opinions and interpret it in any way you like, I respect that...........But I didn't take what she was saying as being cruel. She did have a bad experience. I firmly believe that the other person should of been in another room if she was so bad off. I know that I'd be terrified if I was put in a room with someone dying...........I'm not cruel, I'm not evil........I'm a very sensitive person and it would upset me tremendously. If you are paying or if your insurance is paying and you are paying the premiums then you should get better! If I were feeling very ill I wouldn't want ANYONE in my room. It's uncomfortable and it's not a very good emotional setting and for you to heal............your emotional state needs to be clear too. I can totally relate to her and I do think you were being a tad bit harsh........even kind of rude. I'm not here to judge you or call you down. I'm just giving you my honest opinion. My sister Bethany is in the hospital right now as I sit here and write this. I speak to her everyday. She had a roommate too and let me tell you...........this woman was in tremendous pain and I heard pretty much the same thing from Bethany as I have from this person............Bethany is the most bubbly and upbeat person. So unless you (in general) are queen of PASSIVENESS then I think I'd be the same way in her shoes!
Melissa R.
on 3/21/04 10:08 am - Moultrie, Ga
Oh ok i saw it....dont know for sure whats going on.. But heres a BIG ((((HUG))) Sally Misty
on 3/21/04 10:38 am - Peoria, IL
We all have our experiences - some good and some bad. Sally - I am glad you let me know of your experiences so that it may help me for when I am in the hospital. I don't call anything on this messageboard whining. I call it learning and venting. But Kathy - what about when you have surgery? What if you have an unpleasant experience ---wouldn't you want to share it with the group? There are many reason to share: 1- knowledge for the pre-ops, 2 - venting does help, 3 - maybe someone else has been there and has some advice for you. I know that the March board is not a place for arguing and name-calling. I find a lot of support at the March board, and I take you all as my second family. I just don't want to see everyone arguing. Then, it would feel like my own family. Just my 2 cents Teri H My Angel LaDonna Dixon My Angelette Tracie Jacobs
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