Mobile G.
on 3/21/04 6:19 am - mobile, al
Well, this is my first time doing this, I had no clue about the rules. I'm always the anxious one to answer. I guess that is what is meant by the saying "the best thing comes to those who wait." "CONFESSIONS" 1. What is your middle name? 2. What was the most humilating experience you ever had? 3. Do you sing in the shower? 4. When singing to a song do you actually think you sound like that person who originally sang the song? (be honest) 5. What is your pet peeve that you usually have to keep undercover so it will not offend the person? Hope these questions are acceptable.
on 3/21/04 6:27 am - Mesa, AZ
I love asking questions so I never mind being first. 1. I have an unusual middle name. Wynne. My Mother's name is Winifred and she used to be called Winnie as a kid and then Winn now as an adult. She is 90. 2. Being fired...I will never get over it...after 7 years. My boss had orders to cut and went out and got drunk after he fired me and the next week HE was fired too. 3. Never sing in the shower. 4. I am an awful singer...and know it. 5. Oops it might offend some people here...better not say.
on 3/21/04 9:30 am - Little Rock, AR
Re #5: Such restraint! Joy
Mobile G.
on 3/21/04 6:54 am - mobile, al
1. My last name is after my father and that is the unusually common name of "LYNN". 2. The most humiliating experience I have ever had is..............i've had LOTS of them, being a clutz, but .........I just had my son Caleb. I had to go back to work early. Caleb was probably 6 weeks old. I had to work a full time job and a part time job because my x felt he didn't have to work. Well, I know some of you women know after having kids your bladder kind of drops, lol. well, I'm on my new job delivering food to peoples rooms in the best Hotel here in Mobile. I got on the elevator and tried to hold my pee in................well, thank GOD i was alone, I peed in the elevator. I started panicking got off dropped this ladies food off..............She asked me to come in, I told her know I needed to go to the bathroom and clean some soup off I spilt........oh I was humiliated, then had to hop on the elevator to get to the public restroom so I could avoid the kitchen and some "hottie" got on the elevator with me. I went to the bathroom scrubbed my pants with soap and water and threw the undies away............stood in front of the hand dryer drying off, lol. As you see I'm honest........but I was very very HUMILIATED to the point I almost walked of my job. 3. I sometimes sing in the shower 4. Yes, I do feel as if I sound like the original singer.........until that is someone laughs at how off key I am and then I'm brought down to reality. 5. My pet peeve is lying. To me it's a waist of my time and energy as well as theres................Especially when I know they are, but don't want to hurt their feelings by saying "you liar"
on 3/21/04 7:56 am - Mesa, AZ
actually you reminded me of a moment. I had stress incontinence 2 years ago and also take a diruretic for blood pressure. Usually I know how long I have before the big rush to the bathroom but I got stuck in traffic and knew I couldn't hold it. So I sat in traffic with any kind of clothing I could find stuffed under me and just let it entire front seat was soaked LOL Luckily I had a change of clothing with me and when I got to work I went directly to the bathroom and changed.
on 3/21/04 8:48 am - Houston, TX
1. Jane 2. Can't recall anything specific - thank goodness! 3. Nope - I sing in my car, though! 4. I think I sound like Pat Benetar when I'm singing one of her songs, but my friends and family would probably beg to differ!! 5. Stupid people irritate me (generally speaking!). Great questions! -Wendy
on 3/21/04 2:06 pm - Pierce, CO
1. What is your middle name? Lynn, I know, not very original, huh? 2. What was the most humilating experience you ever had? I was in 5th grade and I started my period. Well, one day I started and didn't know it. Of course I was wearing white pants that day! I couldn't understand why everyone was laughing at me more than usual. Then the teacher called me out to the hallway and told me. I thought I was going to die from embaressment! 3. Do you sing in the shower? No, because I can never remember the words. If there's a radio in the bathroom with me, that's a different story! I do like to sing in the car or the house when I'm totally alone though. 4. When singing to a song do you actually think you sound like that person who originally sang the song? (be honest) Nah, I think I sound BETTER! Just kidding. I wouldn't say I sound like them, but I think I sound pretty good sometimes. 5. What is your pet peeve that you usually have to keep undercover so it will not offend the person? People who are stupid and don't realize it. GRRR! Oh, and people who think they're a good driver and aren't. People who cut me off or stop right in the middle of the aisle at a store. Ok, so I have more than one. Do ya think I'm a little too uptight? LOL GREAT questions, btw!
Whitney H.
on 3/21/04 2:11 pm - Harrah, OK
My middle name is Dee -- When I tell people they always think that I am saying "d" and want to know what it stands for. I was named after my Father's mother. She died when I was a baby.. My half-sister Amy has the same middle name as me. I guess when my father no longer wanted me, he decided to use the name again... I walked out of the locker room in gym class and had gotten sooo busy talking that I had forgotten to put my shorts on The boys PE class met in the gym at the same time as the girls, I guess they got their jollies that day. Don't sing in the shower. Sing in my car all the time. Drives my kids crazy ( the 3 year old loves it) No way do I sound like the artists singing the songs. I can sing -- have some awards for it, but wouldn't profess to sound like the original. My biggest pet peve is a know-it-all (expecially those who think they know-it-all, but really don't have a clue what they are talking about) I have a neighbor like that -- love his wife, he totally gets on my last it when something happens to prove him wrong (never let it show tho) Whitney
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