Cant get in all the liquid
UGH.. I feel like a waterlogged toad!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not hungry.. I am not thirsty.. I just feel blah.. *LOL*. Today I have had almost 30 oz of liquid.. but.. I know i have to push as much in as possible in the next 5 hours or so before bed. Still on clear liquids until Monday when I can at least have a yogurt.. Then I start 2 weeks of full liquids.. I know, I know.. it will get better.. I just wanted to whine! I havent had any real food in almost a week, and darn I aint hungry.. lol....
Thats at least a good thing...
Yanno, I can't with the water, but I decided that SF Kool-Aide was better than nothing, so I have been adding it to those bottled waters DH got me. Then I'll just refill the bottles with Kool-Aid and iced tea for later. I just can't hack plain water. If it's flavored it goes down and sits on my pouch so much easier. Don't know why......
Total struggle for me too....especially since I was having problems with diarrhea and worried about dehydration, but staying away from dairy gave me a reprieve,,,,no more shakes for awhile....
I had some nice herbal tea today that felt very nice, so I think I will concentrate on variety.
Water tastes funny to taster is really bonkers right now and my smeller....