I did it!!!
Hi Folks:
Hope all of you are doing well. I'll give you an update on me and then hopefully I will have time later to check on all of you.
Well I got here in the midst of a snowstorm so we cancelled the birthday dinner.
I spent Wed. at the docs and hosp. for last minute stuff.
Went to hosp at 6:30 am on Thursday. Had a lap RNY - proximal. I hired private duty nurses for Thurs eve and Friday.
Friday - Had the leak test - passed. Took a shower. Doc gave me milk of mag.
had a bm - Discharged today Saturday. Walked off the unit and had my dd pick me up at the front door.
I can't believe that I am in so little pain. Really I am such a wuss. I feel great. A little tired and my abdomen is sore - as if I did a whole lot of sit ups.
I'm on clear fluids - no problem there.
I have a drain that will stay in until Wed.
That's it for me. REally I hope everyone is fine.
Love you all.
Boy, some people have it made. private duty nurses and private rooms...if you read my journal you will see that I didn't have those luxuries....I had to tough it out and be strong for both myself and my roomie. I wanted to get home and out of there, it was not the best experience of my life although I had a wonderful surgeon and care and had Open rny and went home in 2 days without a pain prescription needed. I was amazed too.
Now I am finding I am lactose intolerant though and after a lot of diarrhea and dumping, have finally gotten passed. Just had an egg white softly scrambled and it tasted heavenly.