Prayers please
I woke up this morning with severe shoulder and chest pains.
Was sent for X-rays. To make a long story short I have pneumonia on my left lung.
I told the nurse I can't have pneumonia,
I'm having surgery the 31st. She said we could probably
get it cleared up by then. I figured with lots of prayers :angels: that will help even more.
So please pray for me and Thank-you in advance. My pre-op is the 23rd.
From Renee'
the lurker
and hope to have

I will add you to my prayers tonite. I wish you a speedy recovery from your pnemonia so you can be at your best for your surgery day.
I kinda know how u feel rite now....ive been feeling a little sick myself the past few days and am worried that it may cause surgery to be postponed and no one wants that. It has taken us too long to get to this point and it would just stink to have our big day postponed. Good luck to you and I will keep you in my thoughts.