Another Marcher Comes Home...long post
This is Nancy here. Thanks to Joy Cook for reminding me to get off my sore duff and get an update to my fellow Marchers.
I was in the hospital for seven days I had an elavated white blood count that the surgeon could not trace anywhere. So that kept me in long enough to have a CT scan and have to drink that contrast stuff. The old body has been through a lot BUT
I am amazed how quickly we recover. Surgery was March 2 and already I drive, I shower, I walk , I eat real food. I am just thrilled.
There were three of Dr B's patients on the floor at the same time - that was a great comfort meeting (in person) others that have just put their bodies thru the same thing. I started out on clear liquids for 3 days , then pureed for 2 and solid food the last 3 days - which was fabulous EXCEPT....I had an incident where I was watching TV and ate a slice of cling peach w/o thinking too much about until it had slid down my got stuck there and created a terrible chest pain until I drank some water and was able to vomit it. So I vomited what I hope if the first and last time while I was still in the hospital. I was REALLY glad I did it there because the intensity of chest pain from the stuck peach was very strong and frightening.
The nurses were great - the peach came up finally and I made two promises to myself
1) Cut my solid food into very small pieces before I start eating
2) Chew each bit 25-30 times
I have had steak and eggs for breakfast, spinach salad with chicken in it - what is such a miracle is that I cannot finish the salad in one sitting - it is lasting 2 to 3 meals!!!!
Our doc says to get a timer ( I use the one on my pedometer) and time the bites three minutes apart to allow for yourself to get full and my sweet little pouch to not get overloaded.
I feel pretty guilty(an old fat hangover) for feeling so full after a meal!!! When indeed I have eaten almost 2 oz of steak and two bites of salad.
I am reporting in that all is well and I do not have any scales at home but my tightest (elastic waist) jeans fit so comfortably already!! I will go to get my tube out Thursday and weigh. However the last day I was in the hospital one of my surgery sisters asked me if I had weighed - I said where is a scale!!!! I had lost 10 pounds in thirteen days!!!
Shout out to all Marchers
Yippie Hippie in Texas!!

Nancy, it is great to hear you are doing so well!!! I have no room to talk but make sure you get in that protien!!! (I am saying this to encourage myself too lol )
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler and Bertha
11 Days into NewPouch and feeling great!
-25 lbs!!!! Yayyyy
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!