Q: Malabsorption %
I agree with Rob, plus I am not sure that they really know anyway. I do know that the % of nutrients is different for each nutrient because each are normall absorbed in a different place in the system. B-12, protein, Vitamin D are some of the ones that are more affected and thus need to be especially monitored.
I went to the library on this site and looked it up, and here are 2 good answers:
hiya~ depends on your surgery and what your surgeon thinks! lol they all say something different i swear. we had a well known surgeon speak at our support group and he says that with standard roux-en-y with about 2 feet bypassed, you only malabsorb 10% of your food but almost all of your calcium, iron, & vitamins.... malabsorb means to not absorb, for our bodies to not take in the nutrients of the food... hope that helps kate
- J. Kate Bounds
It depends on what surgery you have. I had open RNY with 150 cm of intestines bypassed. My surgeon told me that initially I would absorb only half the calories I ate but that by a year out, that the intestines adapt and we absorb a lot more - not all but significantly more than 50%. We also don't absorb all nutrients and that never changes.
- Patty Butler