Hi, Hunnies...I'm home!!

Kimmer K.
on 3/12/04 6:46 am - Waterford, MI
Hey, Angelette!! THANK YOU for watching over Nicole! Please give her lotsa love for me!!! She was on my mind pretty much all thru my hospital stay - funny how ya get that bond with your "surgical sister"! I WILL be calling YOU soon, too, my dear. I think they gave me a lobotomy (at least a partial) 'cuz I'm not doing well on the phone right now - best friend sez it's probably a breathing thing, that once I get my 'cadence' downpat again, I'll be alright. But in the meantime, you start getting ready for YOUR day! I'm so excited for you!!! I was on the pre-op side and was JAZZED everytime another Marcher came thru, and now I'm here and am even MORE jazzed for our Marchers to come!! You're gonna be so happy when you're through it and you look back! Tom Petty sez "the waiting is the hardest part"...yup, he's right! I'll be chattin' atcha soon. In the meantime, you KEEP takin' care of Nicole...AND yourself!! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
on 3/12/04 1:10 am - Little Rock, AR
Welcome home! I can just see you in your bunny ears! They will not soon forget you in the hospital! Joy
Virginia H
on 3/12/04 1:29 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Hey Kimmer!! So glad to hear your home and hearty!!! My little pouchling is a grumbler too!! I sent you an e-card while you were in the hospital. It was all clever and such, but when I went to send it, the internet ate it. So the next morning I tried again but didn't get so clever and the darn thing went through that time...oh well. Don't be surprised if you weigh yourself and you've either not lost an ounce or have actually gained a pound or two!!! Take Care and stay in touch!!! Va
Kimmer K.
on 3/12/04 6:57 am - Waterford, MI
These pouches sure are MOUTHY little suckers, aren't they? I don't remember reading 'bout them back-talking you in ANY WLS info I've read... I got the emails at the hospital, including one from you!! I was just stunned that there even WAS such a thing! I sat on my bed and read 'em and almost cried when the volunteer brought 'em up to me: I felt so close to everyone then and there (and that was when I was going thru the nausea waltz, so I was near tears anyway... but these were GOOD tears!). Actually, I'm a bit amazed. Queen Mum asked if I've weighed myself, and I hadn't, so I weighed myself this afternoon: 8 pounds down. Va, I have NO idea how that's happened. As I said in a different post, my gut is totally distended, looks like the Blue Ridge Mountains with all the bumps and valleys in it, little steri-strips and bruising here and there. So how I can be down 8 pounds already is WAY beyond my ability to rationalize right now. But hey, I'll take it! I'm gettin' a bit tired: haven't had a nap today, so I think I may be due one. AND...I'm going to venture to MY bed upstairs tonite for some REAL sleep: my recliner was fine for my first nite home, but I need a totally RESTFUL nite, and I haven't had one since Monday nite. So I'm "going for it" tonite! Queen Mum was a bit concerned 'til I showed her where Dr. Wonderful's list of "okay"s listed "stairs as tolerated". My stairway goes up in 3 sets of stairs with 2 landings in between...not a problem. Heck, I'll go up on my butt if I have to, but I'm sleepin' in MY bed tonite!! Gonna go snooze for a bit. This non-schedule is a bit disorientating to me...gotta learn to 'chill' and qui****ching a clock for a few weeks! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
on 3/12/04 1:34 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Welcome home Kimmer Fiend !!! Hugs n smooochies, Mo
on 3/12/04 1:35 am - Brunswick, GA
Yea Kimmer and Earl, Oh man, a male servant Keep this up and you won't be able to get that head outta the door to go walking. There's not enough of those male servants to go around, so you think we can borrow yours once in awhile? We promise not to break him ????? eh....too badly. I'm doing the happy dance for you and Earl, Welcome home!!!!!! The Offishal Court Jester : AKA Betsy
Betty S.
on 3/12/04 1:40 am - Fountain City, WI
Dratz, Can't get away with anything around here, see that Canary Joy shaking her finger at me. I didn't do nuttin wrong, oh well she's my and I guess she has to keep a close eye on me to keep me out of the hokey so I can go get BB n' Me Gotta love that
on 3/12/04 3:05 am - Little Rock, AR
I'm a'watchin you! Joy
Bethany B.
on 3/12/04 3:03 am - Baltimore, MD
Oh Kimmer! I am so glad you are home!! You are doing so good...KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! I can not wait to hear about all of our journeys and allof this weight loss... You know what we need to do eventually...Get a tally of what everyone has lost so far and add it up!! WOWSERS!! That will be a lot!!! Hey you and your Male servant be good now!! Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler and Bertha 10 Days into NewPouch and feeling great! -25 lbs!!!! Yayyyy A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!
on 3/12/04 3:24 am - Houston, TX
Hi Kimmer! Glad you're back. You give me hope for my surgery on Monday. I'm getting freaked out, but you're helping me keep it in perspective! Happy Recovery! -Wendy (I don't have a title yet) Open VBG 03.15.04
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