Hi, Hunnies...I'm home!!

on 3/12/04 1:07 am - Little Rock, AR
Kimmer K.
on 3/12/04 6:14 am - Waterford, MI
Aw, Judgetress... Repeat after me: "Get the behind me, heebeejeebees..." No heebeejeebees allowed. Seriously, my friend, I'm so glad I didn't waste precious adrenaline worrying pre-op: I'm just amazed at how good I feel! Well, not GREAT, but so not-like-I-thought-I'd-feel. I'm just waiting "for the other shoe to drop", but I don't think it's gonna... In fact, Dr. Wonderful, my surgeon, just called and when I answered the phone, he said "Are you SURE this is the girl I operated two days ago? You sound WAY too good to have just gone thru WLS!!" Even HE was stunned, was laughing the whole time! Told him of my only two problems, and they're easily resolveable...I don't know who's more thrilled, him or me! Either way, it's a GREAT thing! I'm prayin' for ya, Betty. I know some get anxious as their date approaches, but just remember that if ~I~ can breeze through this this easily, ANYONE can, and that means YOU! NOTHING in my life has ever been easy, I've always had struggles with everything (and even the simplest things), so remember that, remember MY outcome, and that should calm you down a bit. Oh, that and lotsa my prayers (and Queen Mum's...she read the emails I got in the hospital and had yours 'flagged' and said "who IS this woman?" 'cuz she was so touched by it!). Yer gonna be fine. Now that I tire easily while at this 'puter (go figure) and on the phone (a miracle in disguise?), I have even MORE time to spend in prayer!! See -- always gotta make the best of situations!! Love ya a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Rob G.
on 3/11/04 11:47 pm - Anacortes, WA
Hi Kimmer, It's great to see you back on the boards. It sounds like you'll be cheering us all on in the walking department. Glad to hear things are going well. Caboose - T-19
on 3/12/04 12:09 am - Ft Gaines, GA
OK Kimmer, I will try to remember all yo said....do not worry, do not worry. do not worry.... So far that has not kicked in but I know I will be a bundle of nervers by Tuesday. I definitely have short termers disease here at work today. giving all my duties away.
Kimmer K.
on 3/12/04 6:26 am - Waterford, MI
Hi, my Sugarplum!!! Aw, it's so good to be over 'it'!! That last week at work was just miserable for me. Thank goodness all I had to do was pack up my office or else we'd've REALLY been in deep doo-doo! Boss Lady called today to see how I was - she was home. When it dawned on me that she was home on a Friday, I asked why and she said 'cuz last week was HELL week there. OMG, God was so good to give me TUESDAY for my surgery! I don't know how I'd've acted if I'd've had to save the world my last week pre-op! Sugarplum, don't worry. Really. Don't waste all that valuable adrenaline on worrying!! You're gonna need it for the first time they get you out of bed AFTER surgery! It's so true that FEAR is the biggest problem...that you don't know what's going to happen. Well, if you can just set THAT aside, you'll breeze into it and you'll be fine. Rest assured, I'm praying for peace for all my Marchers who are still pre-op. Once you're on THIS side looking back, you're gonna be so glad you didn't fret so much over something that wasn't "fret-able"!! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Debra W.
on 3/12/04 12:24 am - Baltimore, MD
Well I can't believe that you are walking that often. I had my surgery on Monday the 8th. I agree with you it really wasn't anything that I thought it would be I feel like I'm scared to eat don't want to hurt anything. After reading your post I will be going for a walk today I will be looking foward to your postings
Marcie F.
on 3/12/04 12:41 am - Anderson, IN
Welcome home, HRH, and also the newest member of the royal family... Earl! It's good to hear you're both doing well, even if Earl talks too much. Hugs, -Marcie
on 3/12/04 12:58 am - Mesa, AZ
Welcome back, Kimmer! I am at the same exact spot you were last week...surgery is Tuesday and I alternate between being freaked and calm. My boss is taking me to lunch today...my last big lunch...Sunday I start a 2 day liquid fast and antibiotics. I will still have one more work day, Monday because I do the payroll for the department, and then I will have 2 weeks before the next one...and will come in at least half a day. I am ready...have my recliner, my foods, my drugs, my honey is lined up to go with me, with the list of people to call and I have named my soon-to-be pouch "Sweet-P". Again, I am so glad you are coming thru great.
Kimmer K.
on 3/12/04 6:37 am - Waterford, MI
Hmm...wrong Queen, Sally...I was never freaked! I was impatient, just wanted to get the show on the road already, but I was NEVER freaked! And now I'm so glad I wasn't...I'd be kickin' my own butt, and that'd be mighty uncomfy with all these little wounds on my belly! Sounds like you're all set up and ready to go - THAT is a great advantage. I had everything 'covered' before I left home, and am glad I did 'cuz now I'm just walking up to the refrigerator and grabbin' a pre-measured jello (complete with protein powder in it), got my pill smoosher at hand along with mini-shotglass (those smooshed fibro meds are NASTY suckers to get down...have to chase 'em with something to get 'em down), gauze/tape/all the necessities in a basket on my buffet within arms' reach, even had a nitegown, robe and slippers set out on a rocking chair...I just came home and slipped into the 'routine'. What a great thing NOT to have to think 'bout it then! Nope, I wasn't freaked at all! And you shouldn't be either...I'm sure you'll find it to be a great surprise as I have! Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Melissa R.
on 3/12/04 1:00 am - Moultrie, Ga
"Welcome Home Kimmer". I am so glad things went so well for you and earllllllllllllllllllllllll. I have been praying for you bunches . I called Nicole a couple of times while she was in the hosptial she kept asking about you. She should be going home this afternoon, Everything went great with her. Yesterday she was in a bit of pain due to gas. I am so proud of you two. I have 10 days and a wake up call and i will be on that side with you. ( wishing you a speedy recovery ) and we all have miss you so much. (((Hugs))) Misty
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