Hi, Hunnies...I'm home!!
Sorry it's taken me so long to logon...between walking and making sure everything's alright for Queen Mum, I've actually been pretty busy already! I don't think Nada and Lambie have left my side 'cept to go outside...smelly hounds...
I haven't even read the posts for the past few days, but I'm sure I'll have a lot to read: been praying for everyone, 'n THAT's been keeping me busy! Kathy has kept me appraised of everyone pulling thru...this is just too wonderful!!
I'm ABSOLUTELY FINE! I mean, I have a few glitches and stuff to be expected, but all-in-all, I must say, this was so WAY easier than I thought it'd be! I had a bit of a rough time post-op - was on the continuous morphine pump with the PCA, and the morphine was making me extremely nauseous. I didn't suspect it 'cuz morphine has NEVER affected me that way before. Surgeon told me "You'd make a lousy drug addict!" Just gotta love that guy! I guess this surgery has changed a LOT of stuff already. Shades came to see me during that phase - poor gal (and what a HOTTIE she is!!)! They d/c'ed my morphine shortly thereafter, and it was better sailing from there. Fibro has kicked up a BIT, but I'm smooshing my fibro meds and it's being held at bay for now. I do have this freaky headache that keeps going from one part of my head to another, but even that's tolerable. I'm telling you straight - this was NOTHING like I thought it'd be! Everyone who's freaking out - QUIT!!! I've had worse problems having a tooth pulled!!!
I think I've walked about 50 miles since Tuesday!! It really IS important to walk...everyone remember that, no matter how much you DON'T feel like it. You actually feel better afterward. About the only thing I'm having a problem with (if you can believe this) is TALKING! I'm not able to talk for long on the phone...sheesh, NOT at ALL a problem pre-op! So my calls are very limited right now. But I've got tales to tell ya...
I know Angel Mine, Kathy, has told you I've named my pouch. I just HAD to...he talked to me from the time I got out of surgery...kept saying "eeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrl...eeeeeaaaaaaaRRRRRRRRRLLLLLlllllll...", thus my new pouch has been named Earl. The nurses got a kick out of it...and then my bosses' daughter visited me (when my drain just happened to break it's sutures...she left shortly thereafter, gagging...
), and she brought me several neat gifts, including lavender bunny ears. Well, of COURSE, since they matched my lavender robe, I wore them while I walked. What a hoot!! Yup, I had a pretty good time while I was in the hospital: ya just gotta make the best of things, ya know?
Well, I think I need to walk again. Earl's talking to me. Figures I'd get a mouthy pouch, eh?
It's good to be home with my Marchers again. You were all on my mind almost constantly. Thank you all SO much for your loving prayers and thoughts...and emails! WOW...did THAT make my day when I got those! You are all truly the best...I'm so blessed to have you all.
Back later...gonna be a "pop-in/pop-out" thing for a bit, me thinks.
Love you all...it's GOOD to be home!!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
'n Her Trusty Pouch, Earl, Too!

Hi Kimmer.
I am new to the board and someone had asked me if I had a title. I had no idea what that meant but i saw people having something to do for the Queen. I put Male Servant to the Queen. I had no idea you are the queen. So my point is, can I use that title or would you rather that I didn't. Just want to know before I start using it. ( My Queen ) lol
OOH!! Hunney! BAY-BEE!!!
Where've you BEEN all my life?!?!?!
You have NO idea what you just got yourself in to!
"Male Servant To The Queen" - got a GREAT ring to it! And so, thee I dub "Gary, Male Servant To The Queen".
Man, talk 'bout a GREAT "welcome home" gift!!"
Welcome to the Marchers, Gary! I've been gone a few days, but am back, and hope to be full throttle shortly! I think you'll like it here...we're kinda goofy, but very committed to each other. Glad ya found us.
Hmm...gots me a Male Servant...where's that "honey-do" list....
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles

Hey Your Royal Highness, Queen of the universe, and Earl,
Very happy to hear you are home and doing so good. Puts me at ease a little bit, I get the heebeejeebees every once in awhile thinking about my 5 days and wake-up. Reading your post makes me think it may just be a piece of cake, well guess I can't have that so it might just be the cat's meow minus the milk
I think this heebeejeebee stuff affects the brain
Anyhoo, welcome home, I will continue to pray for your surgery and Queen Mum, Sis and the kidlets.
Love ya,
Betty the Boop with a case of the heebeejeebees