Kathy C.
on 3/11/04 9:07 pm - Someplace, MI
on 3/11/04 9:07 pm - Someplace, MI
There's an official angel duty definition on this site.. basically as Marchers we have Angels and they don't necessarily do everything on the list.
Basically an Angel checks on you and calls your contact person (family or you) checks on you and updates the rest of group...
An Angel supports you and encourages you and talks ya thru the bad times and laughs with you thru the good.
If you have a local Angel they can come visit you and stuff like that..
And to get one you just hafta ask around!!!!!
Offishal Marchers Cheerleader Captain
Flatulence Monitor
Angel to the Queen
"It's time to throw down the pom poms and get into the game!"