on 3/11/04 9:01 pm - Tuttle, OK
babe, everything is going to be alright, and like I said before, I think it might be a scare tactic to see if you'll back out... I think he'll end up being there for you, but if he's not, you WON'T be alone... Love always Baby Lori My Whitney & VA My angeletts ~~> Whitney & VA (I have the best s ever!)
on 3/11/04 9:39 pm - Little Rock, AR
I'm so sorry, Whitney. Fear is a very powerful emotion that makes us behave very oddly. This is a journey for everyone close to you. I'm praying he quickly navigates this rough water. Joy
andie H.
on 3/11/04 9:50 pm - clovis, nm
NO FAIR..... I am praying he is just being a butt head baby and his attitude is fear related.... but, how far is it from Harrah OK to Clovis, NM.............. If our dates werent so close I would come and drive you myself.... God Bless, you are not alone...... we are all together with you in spirit , have your post your hospital # so we can give a long distance Andie on the 22nd
Kimmer K.
on 3/11/04 11:19 pm - Waterford, MI
Aw, Whit, Darlin'... You are so NOT alone!! I'm gonna tell ya something, the entire time I was in that hospital - in pre-op holding, PAR, in my room - I've never felt so CROWDED with people! Not in body, but in spirit and in prayer. You know the verse "He shall send His angels to stand watch over thee..."??? Ah, yup - they did. But I felt the swell of all my Marchers' thoughts and prayers, and what a mystical feeling it was. I actually preferred NOT to have anyone around me 'cuz I just wasn't feelin' too well 'til they got me off that EVIL morphine, but I felt so loved and hugged by everyone: I can't explain it. Sweetie, DH is probably having a "DH Freak-Out" right now. This is one of those times that you don't ASK him to be there, you TELL him where he'll be! I'm prayin' Darlin'...everything's gonna work out alright. Kimmer Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Betty S.
on 3/11/04 11:31 pm - Fountain City, WI
Hey Whitney, You will never be alone, you will have all of us there in spirit and in prayer, us warriors get all over. I'm kickin up my prayers for DH, so I expect he will come through. Love, Betty
Jan D.
on 3/12/04 1:06 am - Bothell, WA
Hi ya: Well I was alone too and woke up from what was to be a 3 hr operation to that turned into a 5.5 hr one with everyone asking, "is your husband coming, other family,etc??" I always try to stay optimistic and I seriously thought I'd be in/out 2 days like nothing happened so I hadn't really preplanned much if things went sideways (cuz I didn't think they would) ...so I sucked it up, put on a helmut and said, "Nope, just me and a friend will be here to pick me up when I'm discharged..." YOU CAN DO THIS..and it's not becuz they don't understand, they are scared too.....I could go on with my psycho babble but will spare you..WE ARE HERE FOR YA ....email any of us...and surround yourself with a good friend, another family member..etc...HANG IN THERE!!
Virginia H
on 3/12/04 1:46 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Whitney - Angel GIRL!!!! YOU WILL NOT BE ALONE!!!! I absolutely guarantee this!!! Take it to the bank, and get cash!!! Va 9 Sunrises POST-OP Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire My Angels ==> Whitney Lori My Angelettes ==> Whitney H & Lori A
on 3/12/04 1:48 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Whitney ... I am sorry that DH is being such an AH on this one! I agree with everyone else that this may be fear coming out and when the day comes he will be there for you. BUT ........... if he's gonna be an AH about it, you are probably better not having him there with you because it will be stressful. I have a sort of opposite situation, Mr Mo is very supportive and has been with me every step of the way, even if all he has done is sit in the waiting room or in the car. It's almost too much togetherness for me, but I know he is doing it because he feels he needs to be there for me. The only other thing I can offer here is (((((((((( HUGSSSSSSS ))))))))) You take care of you first and foremost .. you are definitely NOT alone. Hugs, Mo
Bethany B.
on 3/12/04 2:30 am - Baltimore, MD
((((Whitney))))) I believe all of this is fear. However, like Kimmer said, this is the time you do not ask Him to be there, you tell Him where he will be. If he refuses to come just know, you have the thoughts and prayers of us Marchers behind you!! Good Luck Sweetie! Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler and Bertha 10 Days into NewPouch and feeling great! -25 lbs!!!! Yayyyy A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!
on 3/12/04 3:21 am - Houston, TX
Whitney - My husband was "kind" enough to take off the day of surgery, but that's about it. I was really hurt that he didn't make other arrangements to be there for (and with) me for my 3 day hospital stay, but I'm not gonna let it get me down! I'm taking a book to read, personal cd player and some calming cd's, trashy magazines (Cosmo - not Playgirl - although that's an idea!! LOL), and plan to spend some time by myself while being taken good care of by the nursing staff (I HOPE!). My best friend is picking me up from the hospital on Thursday and my husband has graciously invited his mother (UGH!) to take care of me Thursday and Friday. So - you're not in this alone. You have your family here at AMOS *and* you have others here who's spouses can be louses (but we love them anyway!). Hang in there sweetie! -Wendy Open VBG 03.15.04 - MONDAY! OMG!!!
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