Chocolate Batter Protein Shake
I know only a handful of us have had surgery already (I haven't) so I thought this might come in handy REAL soon!!
I haven't tried it but it sounds yummy!
I haven't had surgery yet, so I haven't tried this but I heard its really good.
***Protein shake that tastes like chocolate cake batter***
2 ounces of water
2 scoops of chocolate 100% pure whey protein
1 scoop of chocolate dry soy shake mix (you need linoleic & Alpha-linolenic fatty acid every day, and soy products containing fat have both, and they're really hard to find)
1-2 tablespoons of No Sugar Added Nesquik chocolate powder
This is the consistency of pudding.
Add more water until it's the consistency you want
This recipe has 374 calories, 65 grams of protein, 4 grams of fat and 3 grams of sugar. You can split it out over two or three glasses over the day. This formula gives you the recommended 60 grams of supplemental protein a day for gastric bypass patients.