Welll, it's almost that time and I guess I need
an Angel? Any volunteers?
I'm 36 no kids, I live in california and I love animals.
My web site is www.crazypetlady.com if you want to take a peak.
Rachael-praying for all the march wls group.
I am nervous too! I know we'll be fine, it's the last minute jitters. It's kind of like your wedding....you know it's the right thing, but you're still so nervous with cold feet!
I love animals, too. I have a Pure Bred Beagle, Lucy, who is the love of my life. She is the most sweet, intelligent creature I have ever known. I also have a short haired Tabby (Sophie) and a himalayan (Caesar). I do have two kids a boy who is 10 and a girl who is 3.
Warm Wishes, and you'll be in my prayers!