HELP! Pre-surgery Weight gain!
Hi kelly, you will find you are going to go through several mood altering changes, I know I did, yes I have gained about 10lbs from Nov-March just waiting for my date which was so nerve wracking to go through! But I started a walking program, 4 weeks ago and have cut out all carbs, I eat mainly meat n cheese and salads now, one protien shake a day, also taking my multi vaitamins everyday, and I think I have lost that 10lbs and maybe even a lil more...dont beat yourself up about it my doc hasnt said anything about "NO Weight gain so I am going to enjoy myself! It is a good thing to start your walking before wls this way you will continue after...when it is nice I walk on the track, when its cold or raining I walk on the tred mill...I even have a stationary bike now so I will be using it also...take it easy ok!
Best of Luck to you! relax your Normal! ~Mary~
Don't worry its a natural phenomenon. My dietician said it even has a name, the "Last Supper Syndrome". She said that many patients gain on average 16 lbs from the time they first see their surgeon and the actual surgery. I gained 12. Don't deny yourself but don't overdue it. My surgery is tomorrow and I am having a banana split for dinner. Yum Yum. Good luck
Eve N.
on 3/11/04 3:37 am
on 3/11/04 3:37 am
Hi Kellie,
This may not be the most PC thing to say but I did the same thing - ate anything and everything I wanted up until my surgery - and all I can say now that I am 9 days post-op is - I'M GLAD I DID!
I'm not telling you to do it, I'm just saying that post-op you're not going to be getting that same high off foods that you did before. At least not for a long time. If I was doing it over again, I wouldn't change a thing. I say enjoy yourself!
By the way, I didn't have any co-morbidities and my BMI was in the low range, so I didn't have any fatty liver issues and other such problems. Like I said, I'm really not advocating either way. I just know that for me it was fine and I enjoyed myself while I could.
Oh, I definitely had some indulgences. What I tried to do was to be really selective. In other words, if I was just eating all the time, I figured that would just mess with my head after surgery when I could no longer do it. But there were several things I wanted to have, for example, a nice bottle of wine (don't plan to drink for a year, not even at holidays, to get all the weight loss I can) -- and when I really thought about it, there were not so many that I really, really wanted and I went for those. Go for something high quality rather than the bag of Oero's, you know? My husband and I went out to dinner a few times and I had what I wanted there, too.
I think most people struggle with it and it's all in what's good for you and whether you're doing yourself any harm for some individual reason, or with your doctor (i.e., if you have one of those who is more strict about weight loss). Just keep new habits of exercise, do not drop these for any reason (no, oh, to heck with it because I had a piece of cake, etc., etc.) or whatever you're doing, and then you're moving in the right direction.
I did not post a big weight loss before surgery. I had done several in the last few years (losses) and, for me, I more wanted to work with someone on why the food gets to me so. I actually came off Optifast because it was creating an unreal world where we couldn't get a good look at what I do when I go out of control. (Once I took the cork out of that bottle, well, alas, plenty of opportunity to analyze the mess.)
I am post op and, so far, (9 days of the new me) really untroubled by food. (I whisper this because I don't want it to change because I was ****y.) So, for me, those indulgences seem not to have hurt me.