5 questions
Here are mine!
1.)Thing I would like to do after losing weight? hmm I would like to be able to go out of state somewhere and hike... or a beach and walk around all day without being out of breat and without being embarrassed of being seen in a bathing suit!!
2.)What date am I allowed to eat yummy food? March 17th !! 6 days left!!
3.) Dog or Cat Person? Definently Dog.. I am badly allergic to Cats
4.)Most Daring thing I have done? Not really daring but scary.. I moved away at 18 from my family in Alabama to Baltimore, Md. and immediately attained custody of my husbands 10 yr old niece..well 13 now. Still is a scary feeling
5.)Where would I like to tour and why? Hmm .... there are lots of places..I would definently like to take a European tour beings that everything is so close together..Scotland, Ireland, Italy, England. But I think before that I want to go to the Holy land so I can see the birthplace of Christ, his empty tomb, King Davids Tomb, and everything else!!!
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler
9 Days into NewPouch and feeling great!
-25 lbs!!!!!!
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!

1) I am going to a chatmeet with friends from a 50's room. It will be here in Florida about 4 hours away from be and will be before I get released to go back to work (I think)
2) Probably 6-8 weeks after surger so that would be mid to end of May
3)Definitely a Cat person,,my yahoo name is catladycherish
4) After college I packed up my belongings and moved to Arizona with a college professor who was to help me finish college. She lied. I was back home in month.
5) Austrailia...Cruise and Walk about..or whatever it is called.
Play with my kids!!!!!!!! Right now I jus****ch or come up with excuses why I can't join them. After losing weight, I plan on playing WITH them alot!!!!
I don't know the answer to #2 yet -- postops??? what have your docs said to this one (I haven't had my consult yet)
I love dogs. We have a miniature daschand named Penny (she's supposed to be my boy's dog, but she took to me -- these types of dogs attach themself to one particular person) I am particularly fond of piggies too (you all should know this obsession of mine by now -- we have a show hog named Casey that my son shows for 4H)
Most daring thing I did was when I was in college. A friend of mine was a part time security guard in a large bank...We had had a few too many and went to the bank (there were 3 of us) and went up to the top floor and next to the elevator shaft was a fire escape slide (goes round and round like a tornado) Anyway, we rode the fire escape slide all the way down 20 floors!!!!!!!!! When we got to the bottom there was a guard there waiting for us.
Like Joy, there are sooo many places I'd like to see. Austrailia (my sister went there a couple of years ago and fell in love with it), Alaska, New England, Europe, The Holy Lands, Asia, Canada, Rome, Paris, The Caribean, I could go on and on...I am an adventurous soul and would love to see the world..can my answer be a world cruise???