I'm home from surgery 3/8
HI All,
Well I made it...no real problems except that my doctor doesnt believe in pain medication all that much, and even though it was a lap, I still had a fair amount, and am still having a fair amount, we did finally agree on something that makes me sleepy but seems to work.
I think I did underestimate the pain (compared to an open anyway)
and am having a bit of time adjusting to this uncomfortableness...and the bowels are starting to move now..and I started my monthly cycle..how great is that/?
I bet I will post in a week and feel totally different.
That is it for now.
in Maine
I have been home since 3/4, so I guess that makes me an old timer now.
I also underestimated the pain, but I'm over it now. How quickly we forget, huh? I hope your week will be smooth and uneventful, with every day a better experience. Getting up to walk helps get rid of that horrible gas, which I found was settling in different places in my body and causing a surprising amount of the pain. It's gross, but pass that gas and don't be shy!

Kris, that is great news that your surgery went good. Sorry about being so uncomfortable. It will be a lot better in a couple days. Each day gets better. Funny thing, I started my period too right afterwards and boy do I know about those bowels lol. You will do wonderful!!
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler
9 Days into NewPouch and feeling great!
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!