Told everbody!!
Well I took the plunge and I told everybody......I was not going to, but then I thought "hey I have nothing to be ashamed of" I was just worried I would hear a lot of negative comments, but I didn't!! I asked for peoples support and everyone was very positive...except for a few and you know what... I don't care. It was somehow very enpowering to tell it like it is and not hide ...I have hidden behind my fat for too long, now its time for me to come out...LOOK OUT WORLD!! Trish
I told my mom after I was home and able to get dressed and let her see I was OK. I figured she would be angry at me for not telling her, but she actually said "I'm glad you didn't tell me. I would have really worried!" You have to do what is right for you and your situation. (Even now she knows I had a hysterectomy and I told her they "did some things to help me lose weight and I will be on a special diet") I don't think she really understood about the WLS, but it was enough to get me off the hook! (She did look me over wondering if I had lyposuction!)
I told my family and everyone is cool with it, but I have held off telling people at work, but Monday is my last day of work and will tell them then...let them gossip about me while I am gone if they want...LOL
I just don't want people thinking my weight loss after I come back is because I am dying of cancer or something...the more that know it was on purpose the better.
Because I am on the light end and not 100 lbs overweight, I have seen I get a little bit of "are you sure you want to do this?" and don't feel like explaining it all. Once the surgery is over, it will be easier, because no one will remember what I started out at....they will just know I am a big LOSER! Can't wait.
I haven't told people at work...they think I am having a Knee surgery...which I do need. I had to tell my boss 2 weeks ago and he told senior staff I was out for knee surgery. 10 minutes after the meeting was over I had 5 people asking me about it so I am glad I didn't tell up front.
I don't want to have to deal with all the questions. But I will definitely tell them when I return. All my friends and family know and have been supportive. One problem though. I explained it to my kids 7, 9 and 11 and they were cool with it I thought. My seven year old apparently went to school and told her friend I have cancer and was going in for surgery for that. Guess I need to do some more explaning to her. My surgery is tomorrow so this will all be behind me. Good luck to you.
I told everyone right away. In hindsight though, I kind of wished I wouldn't have told people at work. It would have been fun to tell them I was having gall bladder surgery or something. I could have amazed them with my post-op weight loss. Either way, eventually I would have spilled the beans plus I'm not comfortable lying (I'm not having my gall bladder removed).