Surgery time changed...
Well originally I was told to be at the hospital at 6 am for surgery at 7:30. I just got a call and my time has changed, I have to be there at 10 am for surgery anytime between 12 and 1. This sucks... I was hoping to just get there early and be done. Now I have to wait around and hope that my nerves don't go crazy! On top of that I have to be on fluids all day tomorrow and then of course nothing to eat or drink after midnight. I'm gonna be starved and dehydrated.
Oh well, what can a girl do...
2 days...

I don't know where I got the idea that I would be early, but I was majorly bummed to find out that I don't have to be there til 9:45 a.m. on the 22nd. The only good thing about being 'later' is that I can sleep in my own bed on Sunday night. And I can sleep more in the truck during the 2 hour drive to the hospital while Mr Mo drives.
Mo (
