5 more probing questions

Whitney H.
on 3/9/04 12:53 pm - Harrah, OK
I absolutely hate to fly--always have...Even before 9-11 I had a fear that the plane would be hijacked by terrorists and I'd wind up in Libia or something (odd huh) I have won medals for singing, first place in science fairs, and first place in acting competitions. Martha Stewart -- she intrigues me I'd have to say great tallent -- This is something that could bring you great joy and give you a chance to do something with your life. That would be tough, I would have to really sort this out -- the right thing to do would be turn it in, but if my kids were hungry and I had no where else to turn and there was no ID, I'd probably keep it and pray for forgiveness (it's probably some kind of character test) I'd feel really guilty about it too. Whitney Angles Lori and Va Angelettes Lori and Va Two weeks from today
Carrie H.
on 3/9/04 2:09 pm - Hesston, KS
1. Do you have any phobias? Not being able to move my feet. Seriously, I pull the sheets from the foot of the bed when going to motels & hospitals and I NEVER tuck my top sheet in at the foot of the bed. 2. Have you ever won first place or first prize for anything? Bowling when I was in the 3rd grade. It was a father/daughter tournament but I won it by default because our competing team was a no show. So I don't really feel like I WON it. I also was very good at spelling and won first place in many spelling bees during grade school. 3. What famous person, living or dead would like to spend a day with? My great great grandmother. I have been doing genealogy research for a couple of years now but I am stuck on her and can't trace her any further. So I would like to find out where she is from because she was Sioux and I SO MUCH want to know about my Indian heritage. 4. You can only have one or these things to start out life with--which one? Great Looks or Great Talent or Great Wealth. Great Talent 5. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION:Your luck is down, you lost your job, your children are hungry and need books and clothing for school. You find an old wallet in a dumpster that has 5 $100 dollar bills in it. What do you do next? A. Look inside the wallet further for indentification so you can return it if possible...NO ID is found, so you keep it without guilt. B. Quickly see this as the answer to your problems and take the money and toss the wallet back without looking further. C. Turn it over to the closest police department. D. Post an ad in the local paper as FOUND, please call to identify. E. Bring the whole wallet home to talk it over with someone you respect. I would like to say that I would turn it over to the police and a few years ago I would have said that. But now I have children and if I am to be honest I would have to say A. I would do just about anything to provide for my babies. But it would not be without guilt, I would feel guilty for keeping it. Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary (a/k/a CCQC) 36 hours to a New Life! March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster My Angel ==> Amber W. My Angelettes ==> Joann B. , LaDonna D. , Marcie F.
Virginia H
on 3/9/04 4:50 pm - Oklahoma City, OK
1. Wasps, bees, hornets, yellow jackets - there's something about me they love -> but it's not a mutual admiration society. 2. In school I won many medals for singing, and several art competitions for pottery. 3. Red Skelton 4. Great Talent 5. I take the money and take care of my children. Inside the wallet I place a note explaining what I had done and that as soon as I was financially able I would repay the LOAN!! Then I would diligently search the newspaper for ads and eventually turn it in to the police. Va
on 3/10/04 1:41 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
1. Do you have any phobias? Well, sort of ... I have a problem with heights and wide open spaces at the same time. If I have to go down stairs and they are 'open' and I can see through them, or don't have something to hang on to tight I freak. I hadn't had a serious panic attack in a very very long time (so long that Mr Mo had never really experienced one close up****il we were in Myrtle Beach at Thanksgiving. We went to the speedway and the grandstands are open mesh grating. I got up to my seat ok, but coming down, I was frozen. I could barely walk down even hanging on to Mr Mo with a death grip. I am sure there were people around us who wondered WHAT my problem was. 2. Have you ever won first place or first prize for anything? I am sure I must have, but I sure can't remember what it was. I have won a few raffle things over the years. 3. What famous person, living or dead would like to spend a day with? Harry Chapin, the late singer. When I got married I had seen him so many times in concert that I felt like we should be inviting him to the wedding. There was just something about his stage presence that made you feel like you knew him. 4. You can only have one or these things to start out life with--which one? Great Looks or Great Talent or Great Wealth. I will go with talent. It's been said before me here, that talent will bring wealth. 5. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION:Your luck is down, you lost your job, your children are hungry and need books and clothing for school. You find an old wallet in a dumpster that has 5 $100 dollar bills in it. What do you do next? A. Look inside the wallet further for indentification so you can return it if possible...NO ID is found, so you keep it without guilt. B. Quickly see this as the answer to your problems and take the money and toss the wallet back without looking further. C. Turn it over to the closest police department. D. Post an ad in the local paper as FOUND, please call to identify. E. Bring the whole wallet home to talk it over with someone you respect. I would like to say C. , but I guess it would depend on exactly how I was feeling at that moment. Hugs, Mo (and the dancin' tootsies )
on 3/10/04 7:25 am - Brunswick, GA
Mo, I knew we had to have been twins seprated at birth!!!!!!!! Most people would say Harry Who?????????? My favorite of all times. Loved "Taxi" I think we may be showing our age a little but, who cares!!!! Well thanks, that gave me a smile for awhile!!!!! Betsy
Bethany B.
on 3/10/04 2:27 am - Baltimore, MD
Great Questions...Sally. 1.) Phobias- NOPE..NADA..ZILCH 2.)Have I ever one first prize- HAHA NOPE...NADA...ZILCH 3.) What famous person living or dead would I like to see? First and foremost- Jesus Christ.. Second--not famous but my dad- 3rd- Tied between King David, Paul, or Abraham. 4.) Great Looks, wealth, or talent? Hmm...that I do not know... I should probably steal Sallys answer, great talent, then get great wealth because of it, then great looks because of the money lol 5.) What would I do with the money? Well, I would be very tempted to take the money and run. However, I know me and know I could not live with myself. I would turn it in and get a job! GREAT QUESTIONS!! Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler 8 Days into NewPouch and feeling great! A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!
on 3/10/04 2:40 am - Salisbury, NC
1. SNAKES! i hatesnakes. i cant even watch them on tv. 2. i won 1st place in a costume contest when i was real little. i was a princess. that is the last time i was ever normal size-about 5 years old. 3.Oprah 4. great talent so i can get rich and then who needs looks-lol 5.B gotta be honest. good questions LaDonna
on 3/10/04 4:23 am - Fall River, MA
I posted my questions a little while ago but I don't know where they went, so I'll try again... 1. Do you have any phobias? Yes, I don't know what I would call it though...I'm the type that checks under every bed, in every closet, checks the windows and door locks all before I go to bed...And If I hear a sound in the middle of the night I won't move and I make my hubby take me to the bathroom...Whats this called? Scardy cat?? 2. Have you ever won first place or first prize for anything? Yes a few times in a road race. 3. What famous person, living or dead would like to spend a day with? LL COOL J, mmmmm 4. You can only have one or these things to start out life with--which one? Great Looks or Great Talent or Great Wealth. I posted Great Wealth, but now after reading everyone else's I just have to say DUH! Why didn't I choose great talent... 5. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION:Your luck is down, you lost your job, your children are hungry and need books and clothing for school. You find an old wallet in a dumpster that has 5 $100 dollar bills in it. What do you do next? A. Look inside the wallet further for indentification so you can return it if possible...NO ID is found, so you keep it without guilt. B. Quickly see this as the answer to your problems and take the money and toss the wallet back without looking further. C. Turn it over to the closest police department. D. Post an ad in the local paper as FOUND, please call to identify. E. Bring the whole wallet home to talk it over with someone you respect. B, after all it was in the trash... Kelley 1 day and a wake up!
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