Ok here goes, todays 5 questions...
1. If I am staying home all day neither, but in public gotta have both, if I had to choose only one, it would have to be the hairspray. If the hair looks like crap the whole package looks bad (for me anyways)
2. The Prince of Tides and Radio Flyer (toss up) If I want a good laugh you cant beat Dumb and Dumber
3. Theme parks!!!!! I have 7 kids and they love to have Mom "do the wild thing" with them. I am so looking forward to be able to do more of it this summer.
4. Poor and Happy, no amount of money will make life better if you are miserable.
5. Blue sweat pants and a white tshirt
I'd have to say makeup if I had to choose (I have been known to go without eaither on occasion) Can always pull my hair up in a ponytail (I do this quite often being a stay at home mom).
Favorite Movie....that's tough I like lots of movies...Recently I saw Second Hand Lions...that was fantastic!!!! I also LOOOOVE Gone with the Wind (I've often thought that I was born in the wrong erra and belong in the Old South)
Another tough one...I love going to Theme Parks with my family (I have family in Florida and have been to Disney several times along with Universal Studios), but I also love museums ... art and history (very fascinating)
Easy...Poor and Happy (that's why I quit my job in the first place, sacrificed a little money to feel happier with my life)
I'm in my typical stay at home wear...blue capri wind pants, blue Eskimo Joes T-shirt, Tennies, and FFA Visor (hair up in my typical pony tail)
Lori and Va
Angelettes :
Lori and Va
Two Weeks From Today

Make up or Hair Spray- MAKE UP !!!!
All time fav. movie- Hmm good question..I have not seen the Passion yet so probably Jesus of Nazareth
Museums or Them Parks- Theme Parks
Rich and miserable or Poor and happy- well I wish there was a rich and happy but I will say Poor and Happy
What am I wearing?
I remember hubby asking this to me on the phone... Gray sweat pants and a blue shirt
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler
7 Days into NewPouch and feeling great!
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!

Well, Sally, when we were dating he used to ask me all the time lol and I used to reply nice and
like ; however, now we are married and I am like "whatever you want dear" ..funny how it changes when you marry..then again I guess he cant call me at work and do that!!!!
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler
7 Days into NewPouch and feeling great!
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!