First post since post op
Hi fellow Marchers,
How is everyone doing? I hope you are all doing great. I need to apologize for not updating sooner but I have some complications in the hospital and needed to stay longer than planned. If you're interested you can read all about it on my profile. I am too tired to post it all again
It's amazing how much energy is zapped out of me. I need to rest frequently. I have been on the computer for twenty mintues and need to go rest. I am told that this gets better after we have some real food in us. I certainly hope so.
I hope surgeries went well for everyone else. I was thinking about you all in my boring days in the hospital. I am doing well now, just tired and cranky because I want food. My drain pull is on Thursday and then I will be able to eat egg, tuna or chicken salad finely chopped. I can't even talk about it, I am salavating.
Well I need to get off of here and go lay down. I hope you are all doing well. I will check back in soon.
Jill C.

Jill, So glad you posted and are doing better. I had my lap rny on the same day as you. I had no complications, came home on the 3rd, but from the 4th-6th noticedI was just washed out, now I notice i am getting better. I am now eating full liquids, plus things like cottage cheese, thicker soups, and mashed potatoes. All those things are going down fine. Maybe you really are hungry, have you tried anything other than the liquids? You will see easier days ahead.
May the sun shine full on your face and light your path....take care Janelle
Jill. I am sorry about your complications in the hospital. Everything will be fine now and allwe have to do is see the pounds shed away :eating mash potatos and peas as I write about weight loss lol: I am glad to hear from you. Keep us posted!!
Bethany AKA Da Offishal Riddler
7 Days into NewPouch and feeling great!
A riddle a day will keep the Marchers pounds AWAY!