Mini meals in mini dishes
Hi guys!
I think I have mentioned that I work for Crate & Barrel (corporate hdqrts) and for those of you who know our stores, we have great dishes, glassware, household stuff mostly imported and expensive.
Well today I was in our outlet store and bought myself the cutest little mini dishes for my new life with a mini stomach. They are little sauce dishes and a ramikin...just perfect size and will look like a full meal instead of lost on a larger plate or bowl. I also bought some baby spoons, you know the kind with colored rubberized eat with....and I have some really pretty depression glass shot glasses that I could use too to have an elegant table setting even though the quantity is small. Just wanted to share.....Silly Sally
Those stores are apparently not in Florida. I was in Big Lots yesterday and went by the St Patricks stuff. And I found green shot glasses, 1 oz and mini mugs. So I bought a pack of each. Then I went to the plastic area and I found 1/2 -1 cup plastic cups with animal covers. I plan to freeze the koolaid in them to scrape and eat when I get home from the hospital. I have always loved icies. I also bought a baby spoon last week.