I must be feeling better!
My DH just walked out the door leaving me a "To Do" list of things for the day!
The best part is that I am so glad to have the house to myself I am more than glad to do his list!
I just weighed and the losing has finally begun here! Hooray! I knew it would--but it sure is good to see. I really swole up post op--my abdomen still measures 1" bigger than pre-op, but is getting so much better. I can get in and out of my waterbed and most other places unassisted now. I can walk staight without pain. The temptation is going to be to overdo on the lifting side.
I can't drive for a week, so I am going to try to work on getting my house in order this week, a little at a time. DH does not know it, but he will have a "To Do" list of his own when he gets home to move the things I can't!
It feels good to be having some normal thoughts. Gotta remember to drink though!

Gee, Joy...
Can I give your DH MY 'honey-do' list? I don't have a honey to do the stuff! I gotta go thru "Hire-A-Honey" and it gets costly... It's really the only 'down' part 'bout being happily re-singled!
I was smiling reading your post. THIS is what I'm looking for...when everyone starts returning to the normal things (ah, um, eating excepted...hehehe...).
Have a fun but S-L-O-W day doing that stuff!!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-15.18 hours 'til NPO!!!

SO happy that you're feeling better. It really sounds as though you've had a remarkable recovery-- I am am very glad for you.
Now I have a nosy question: What kind of a to do list did your dh give you?
I think my dh once tried to give me one years ago and I flung it back at him, probably with the comment of if you can think it you can do it.
On the oher hand I don't give him lists of what to do either.
Just curious as to how other couples live.