SENDING Well Wishes, your way March 8TH-ER'S!
I just wanted to send well wishes to all of you having surgery Today 3-8, as you begin your long awaited jouney to the losing side remember it's also your re-birthdays ! I will keep you all in my prayers and say a special wish for you all as I am blowing out the candles on my BIrthday cake, that I WILL NOT be eatting: I am staying as far away from that cake as I can, my kids will devore it anyway!
keep the faith and remember to ask the r.n's for thoes rolled up blankets for your lower backs!have them remove the foLey/cath A.S.A.P, GET UP AND WALK! USE A WHEELCHAIR TO HELP YOU IF YOU HAVE TO............. BUT WALK OK! Hugz Mary