What to Wear Right After Surgery???
I had surgery on the first. I still have my g-tube in and right now I'm wearting a light shirt and a pair of cotton elastic waist pants. I don't have my binder on at the moment, but I have had in on most of the day under my clothes. My insision stops at my belly button so my pants are fine. Sometimes when I sit they ride up a little and I just push them down a little. I'm pretty confortable.
Public? I'm still wearing a gown!
My WLS incision stops about 4 " above my navel. If I could just push down the waist and wear a long shirt, it would be fine. Unfortunately, that bikini line crease is exactly where my hysterectomy incision is. The hysterectomy incision is definitely more irritated than the WLS one and harder to avoid with clothes.
The G tube was driving me crazy--the skin under the collar was irritated from rubbing. Today I taped the tube end up instead of letting it hang and it took all the friction off the irritated place--it really helped (I have 3 more weeks of this G tube stuff).
It was a pretty day here and it would have done me good to be outside walking, but there are laws about clothing in Arkansas, so I did 5 minutes on my gazelle. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough for me to start with. As soon as I get to 30 minutes with clothes, I head to curves.
Eve N.
on 3/8/04 3:07 am
on 3/8/04 3:07 am
I'm not even going to THINK about wearing any underwear until I feel totally better!
All of you - be aware going in to the hospital that if your clothes fit just right - they won't on the way out. Your belly is going to be puffy and bloated. I wore a skirt with an elastic waist, but it still didn't give enough to make the ride home comfortable. It was very constricting.
I have been wearing a t-shirt and a sheet around the house and that's it!
btw, I had lap and no drain to take home.