Tylenol Question
Ok guys
I was at the market doing some pre-op shopping. My doc said that I can switch to Tylenol from the pain meds as soon as I feel like I don't need them anymore. Well, I don't use Tylenol now, so I'm standing in front of the shelves at the market and just stared. I can't believe there are so many different types of Tylenol
Did any of your docs say anything about which one is better - caplets, gel caps, tablets, gel tabs, extra strength, regular, I'm sure I missed a few in there somewhere
I guess I'm a bit nervous about taking a pill after surgery
Any suggestions would be appreciated
9 dtg

Hi Marla,
I'm with you, Tylenol has never done anything for me either !!! (except for Tylenol sinus.)
I bought children's chewable tylenol for the short term though, because I am thinking I won't be able to get a capsule into my pouch just yet.
doin' the almost 14 days and a wake up happy Mo dance

This is going to be one of my biggest negatives of this surgery if I can not go back to Ibuprofen...Tylenol does diddly for me when my big toes ache from the hallux rigidus bunions formed at their bases and my back or hips....hopefully nothing will hurt as much without the excess weight, but I want my ibuprofen! waaaah
Just an FYI, Sally...
I know that didn't make your night, but you really don't want to mess up your pouch. My surgeon, who's pretty darned lenient with a lot of other stuff, makes us go off ALL NSAIDs (and herbals, and supplements of unknown pharmaceutical strengths...a lot of vitamins, etc, differ) for the week before surgery. He's very laid back on a lot of stuff, but VERY rigid on others, and NSAIDs were a definite "NEVER AGAIN! Don't even THINK about it...".
Hey, sometimes ya gotta give to get, ya know?
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-ONE MORE DAY TO GET THRU!! WA-HOO!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Caboose...
Yup...NSAIDs are VERY rough on the stomach lining on a good day. Since our new pouches are going to be delicate and their 'stamina' will be compromised just as a result of the WLS, the odds of NSAIDs affecting them is extraordinarily high. It'd be like putting battery acid on plywood - it'll hold for awhile, but eventually there's gonna be damage.
Many of the WLS people already have GI problems such as GERD, erosive esophagitis, etc. Add NSAIDs to that and it's a GI molotov ****tail just waiting to happen.
Hope I 'splained it alright: clear as mud, right? I'm pretty tired and my brain is going into vapor lock.
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles