Ok To recline or not recline is the question...
I have read your posts on recliners being the only comfortable thing to sleep in the first week or so....Now, my question is:
I do NOT have a recliner, but will go out and buy one if the consensus is that it will do me a lot of good. But, if there are others out there who think you can do without one, let me know because I am trying to make up my mind. I will probably have to post this to the other board where there are more post-op people, but wanted my Marchers opinions first.
Sally I do not know about that but I just wanted to know when your surgery date is? Mine is march 11th so if mine is before yours I will let you know. I have had a rotator cuff surgery and people told me you could only sleep in a recliner I sleep in my bed just fine. I do not like recliners so I hope this is not true but I could get used to one. If you find out please let me know too...? Sarah T
Hi Sally,
I've also heard that you can use a regular "comfy" chair with an ottoman, or pillos propping you up in bed. Maybe one of those bed wedges that elevate your head. I have a recliner, but it's in the living room, where there is no tv. I need the tv to help me get to sleep. I also have a very high bed - it's got one of those double pillow top mattresses on it, and this morning getting out of bed I tried to do it without using my stomach muscles. I'm sure that was a really funny site, cause I could not do it without rolling over on my stomach and going to my knees. I'm sure I won't be able to do that right after surgery. Looks like I'll be in my comfy chair and ottoman next to my bed instead!
9 dtg
I just heard from a post-op on the main board who said the wedges and extra pillows still did not work for a couple weeks.. it pulled so much on her stomach....I think I am going to go look at recliners today....I remember when I used to have one, that even on days when I had stomach problems of any kind, it always felt better to rest in one.
I've been sleeping on a regular flat bed, my normal bed is a water bed and I tried it when I first got home and needed a crane and tow truck to get me out!! I have a very nice recliner but have never been able to sleep sitting up due to neck problems.
Transitioning into a lying down position helps a lot. First I lean up against the back, then using four King size pillows I gradually scooch down a bit until I'm using only two. Can't rest comfortably without the two pillows under me, one for the shoulders and one for my head (this is new since surgery).
Hope this helps,