anyone having their surgery on 3-18-04?
I am going in for 4 appts this week and then have surgery one week later. I am very excited but starting to get scared too. All food looks good right now and I know this will be challenging. I would like to find a writing buddy who is alos having a March surgery. I live in Michigan and look forward to hearing from U!!! Terry aNN
Hey Terry,
We are in this together on the 18th. I went today and bought all the stuff I will need post-op. I had to get out of the house and think about something else or I think I would go nuts and drive everyone around me nuts.
Hubby and I went to a very nice Italian rest. for lunch/dinner, I had a glass of wine, that calmed me down a little.
I will pray for your surgery and a speedy recovery
Love, Peace, and Prayers