Yogurt???First Weekers
I was just wondering if any of the rest of the first weekers are having the same results that I am.
The Protein drinks are too heavy, too concentrated, too something. Every time I have one I feel absolutely retched - nauseous, flushed and dizzy.
So far I've had the best luck with yogurt, and jello. I know the protein content in these is not really adequate, but the episodes with protein drinks makes you almost gag to think of having another one.
What are you other first weekers experiences with this???
Also Joy maybe able to answer this one. Other than rubbing & rubbing & rubbing with baby oil, is there anything you know of that will take this darn sticky tape residue of the skin? It's driving me NUTS!!!!
Hi Virginia,
Here's a sample of the breakfast lunches and dinners that my nutritionist gave me for the blenderized portion of the post-op diet.
1/2 cup SF cocoa* 1/2 cup nf yogurt (seedless) 1/2 cup blenderized fruit
1/2 cup Cream of Wheat* 1 cup SF Instant Breakfast*
1/2 cup blenderized soup
2 oz. blenderized chicken 1/4 cup mashed potatoes 1/4 cup blenderized carrots
1 cup cream soup made with pureed turkey, veges and milk mixture*
1/2 cup blended low fat (1%) cottage cheese with 1/2 cup blended fruit
1/2 cup veg. soup with blenderized meat 1/2 banana pureed with 1/2 cup nonfat milk
1/2 - 3/4 coup cream soup* 2 tsp applesauce
The items with * mean a milk mixture. The milk mixture made by mixing one quart of nonfat milk and 1 cup of nonfat powdered milk.
To much of the above you can add some of the tasteless whey protein if you need more protein.
I know I'm not a first weeker but I hope this helps anyway.
I tried the SF CIB today, the scene that followed was not a good one!!! It's just so strange to me how so very different everyone Else's doctor's are about the menu options following this surgery.
I like consensus, this surgery has absolutely no meeting of the minds within it's own health care providers. How can it possibly expect the public at large to accept it with so much dissension in their own ranks?? Hmmmm..... philosophical question??????????????
Hi Virginia,
My doc said to start on real food the day home from surgery - ie yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna and the like. As far as the protein goes - have you tried the tasteless kind that you can add to the yogurt to beef it up a bit? Also, there are clear proteins. like Isopure. They go down much like a snapple would, only it's all protein.
Since I'm still pre-op though, I can only imagine what you're dealing with. I'm hoping the last month of trying every protein drink I could find is worth it - there are some pretty awful ones out there!
Most of all, I hope this helps. My thoughts are with you!
10 dtg
Nail polish remover with acetone will get it off, but keep it out of the incision! OUCH!
It is really hard on the skin though so use lots of lotion afterwards. Hope that works for you.
I'd be glad to trade you the sticky for my G-tube. It does not really hurt, but the skin around it is getting really irritated and ITCHES! (I have it for 4 weeks--the penalty for a conservative doctor!)
Hi Va! I hope you're beginning to feel better.
Anyway, it is strange how different surgical practices vary in what each prescribes their patients to eat (or not) after surgery. Take me, for instance. I went to my nutrition class yesterday and learned that for the first six weeks post-op, I will be on a 'full liquid' diet: broths, blenderized creamed soups (no meat), strained baby foods, regular oatmeal, regular cream of wheat, SF jell-o, SF pudding, cottage cheese, lowfat yogurt, etc. And to get in the 48-64 oz. of hydration in each day, I will be sipping a mixture of 1% milk, powdered skim milk, plus a third ingredient to add flavor (such as an artifical extract or SF Carnation Instant Breakfast). By doing this, as I was told, I'm giving my staple line a chance to heal. We were all given children's sippy cups, as well as a bunch of 1 oz. medicine cups that will act as our drinking glasses, not only in the hospital, but after we first get home after surgery. And the dietitian that led the class went on to explain what we will and won't be eating for the next 12 months after surgery. We also had a nurse practitioner come in to explain the surgery and post-op processes from a medical standpoint. It was an excellent class!
Personally, I prefer this method of 'eating' post-op. The 'diet' that was developed by the surgical practice, in conjunction with the bariatric treatment center with whom they are associated, is practical, economical, and easy to follow.

The information I have for the first 2 weeks after surgery is liquid diet. Even the oatmeal and juices need to be diluted with water or skim milk.
Maybe you need to dilute the protein drinks.
They say the pouch needs time to heal. After 2 weeks you get eggs scrambled and mashed potatoes and soft foods like that.
I'm having trouble with food too. Just mixed some unsweetened applesauce with plain SF nonfat yogurt and added a bit of splenda and cinnamon. It is tasting pretty good. I could have added unflavored protein to it, but didn't this time. I also made some chocolate SF pudding with extra NF dry milk and a little choc protein powder mixed in. That is pretty good too.
Most of my protein is coming in unjury powder and milk though. It does not get thick.
I find I can drink over 8 oz in an hour if I don'****ch myself very carefully. Is this stretching anything? I'm still SO thirsty! It does not seem to hurt or feel full. I have not experienced anything that feels full or hungry so far--just thirsty.
I'm still on full liquids. Tomorrow I get to add cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, refried beans, mac n cheese, and poached eggs. That should make it easier to find something.
I think getting enough protein is going to be hard without the protein powder until we can add meat (3/30 for ground meat for me).
I liked Rob's list but it will be 8 weeks out before I am allowed that much variety and normalcy.
Joy (3/1)
To remove the sticky part of the tape you can can try:
Nail polish remover
Goo Gone
Goof Off
All the them will work.
Just wash thoroughly with soap and water afterwards and apply a lotion.
RE: Protein:My doctor doesn't worry about the protein for the first 2 weeks. Just some liquids and not as much as some folks here write about. My daughter and her friend both had surgery done by him and they recovered very well.
Good luck to you.