REVISION on March 30
Anyone else having a revision this month? My old bypass was 1987 and now has a failed suture line which lead to weight gain for me. 16 years is a really long time between bypass surgeries but looking forward to getting the surgery part over with. Old surgery was just staples across top of stomach, new surgery will be revision of old surgery with RNY.

All I can say is strange. At first took it slow, lived on salads for many years, in last few years can eat just about everything and lots of it. Do not prefer any kind of meat at all since surgery. Chicken can still cause me problems, always could after surgery. Even after surgery could always eat a lot, but did initially lose weight. Now, crave carbs. I am told the RNY will help with that. I can only hope. Not happy to be doing this again, but from my doctors literature about 15% of old type of surgery (just staples lines no transection) failed after 10 years. No reasons, just failed. Wish I had known that info before, I beat myself up for having a bypass and gaining weight back, now know the reason I gained it back. Maybe they should have send out cards (like car companies do with a recall) after the physicians knew old bypasses had a 15% failure rate! That would at least got me back in to see a bariatric doctor about my weight gain, instead of feeling like a failure and spending so much money on weigh****chers. Oh, well you live and learn! Susan