Botched WLS TV special~
Check it out~ I saw the commercial for it last night~
I posted this on my state forum and thought you guys might like to see it as well!
Take care~ Jennifer - The Newbie!
Read full article:
48 Hours Investigates found the consequences from botched weight-
loss surgeries by doctors with little training or experience in
performing the procedure are devastating and even deadly: Five
people have died in New England, six in Iowa and seven in Georgia,
all within a year-and-a-half.
Correspondent Harold Dow reports on botched gastric bypass surgeries
and the doctor, Ramesh Srungaram, who performed them. At least 22 of Srungaram's patients, or their families, have filed lawsuits against him. Dow speaks to Steve Burr of Houston, Texas, and Kaye Parsley of Lubbock, Texas, who say they survived botched surgeries by Srungaram; and to the family of Donna Collins of Houston, who died after Srungaram performed weight-loss surgery on her.
"Extremely Perfect" will be broadcast Friday, March 5 at 10 p.m.
If you have not had surgery, I don't recommend this type of programming. It is a fact that incompetent doctors and their uneducated patients are reponsible for the majority of the risk factors. Hopefully, each of us has taken responsibility for educating ourselves and for checking our doctors out thoroughly. If you have done that, there is no benefit to adding to your jitters.
Just my opinion...
Joy (3/1)
Thanks for the comments. I was debating on watching but I didn't want to add to my frazzled nerves. My surgery is three sun-ups away. Thought about taping it and watching it later. Probably won't do that either. It was my guess that it was about Drs. that don't know what they are doing or at the most have little knowledge of the best procedures. That make the whole picture look bad, but I believe if you have a knowledgeable doctor "I going to be fine".
One Question that I have is Where is all the stories that occur when Dr. preform open heart, Back, Brain, Knee, and oral surgeries..It's because people think that we should all be able to "eat less and exercise more" everyone thinks it's just a lazy person who get's Fat....That's why..I'm sure there are alot more deaths in the other fields of surgery. But no one wants to talk about them....It's all about the ratings.....I'm got an appointment on monday for mine. and I may just show up early..
You are sooooo right Shannon...There are no stories about botched surgeries in other areas. It is that people are so appalled that "we" have gotten to this point and they think that "we" just need to exercise willpower and will be able to be fit and trim (wi**** were that easy). We are lazy and are taking the "easy way out" Haven't we all heard this over and over again. How would they know!!!! It is not easy to come to this decision. It is not easy to weigh the risks and the benefits (especially if you have children still at home)...Our lives have not been easy (ever) as MO people...How could they even begin to think they know what it's like and what is best for us...I am so sick of the media trying to take weightloss aides that are working towards a cure for MO (and that is just what this surgery is) and finding fault with them (each and every thing that has worked, they have cut down)...It is because we disgust them and we are not accepted as a whole...Itoo am looking forward to my appointment with my future...I have done my research, feel confident with my surgeon, and am ready to get on with the rest of my life finally cured of this dreaded affliction known as Morbid Obesity.
(I missed the special and am glad that I did..I don't need negative thoughts right now)
Just my .02
Angels:ange:Lori and virginia
Angelettes Lori and Virginia