Surgery Questions?? I realized I hadn't asked....
This was a great post! Glad yours went so well. I am really worried about getting up and walking. I have to walk with a walker as I have no balance--have severe neuropathy. No way can I walk with the walker and hold my stomach-- and there is nothing firm about me either. Horrors!! I have read repeatedly how very important it is to walk right away so I know I must, but am fearful of the pain.
I've heard that some hospitals will bind you before walking if you request it. I've heard that it helps with the pain and walking a bit more freely. You might ask your surgeon or a nurse that does your pre-op. Other hospitals consider this an antiquated solution, but it's worth asking for someone in your situation.
Thanks for that wonderful update. It's great to know in advance, in a little more detail than the doctors give us, what it will be like. Thanks for the tips about the cleansing wipes (I'll rush out and get some), the latex, and the stuffed animal. I'll have my daughter help me pick one of her Build-A-Bears to take to the hospital.