I had another thought that I wanted to share Marchers. My husband and I were talking the other night about some of the ways MO people are treated differently from slimmer people. One of the examples I gave him is that I can go out to eat with a skinny friend and we can have the same amount of food left on our plates, but the waiter/waitress will ask the skinny person if they would like a box but they won't ask me. This is just one of the MANY examples I gave him. I'm sure you all can relate. Anyway, he said that he had never noticed. I told him it was because he is skinny. My husband is one of those beautiful people who don't treat MO obese people differently. Anyway, he is the type of person that if I say something like that he goes looking on the internet to see what he can find to read about the subject.
We were talking last night and he said he read an article that said that MO women make 30% less wages than a "normal" weight person. He found a lot of information talking about these prejudices that we have all dealt with for most of our lives. I think it was a real eye opener for him.
Won't it be nice to not have to be the brunt of this anymore? My prayer is that we will all remember what it was like on this side and that we will NEVER treat a MO person this way after we have lost weight. Please God, don't ever let me treat anyone else the way I have been treated!
Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary (a/k/a CCQC)
5 Days and a Wake Up to a New Life!
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angelettes ==> Joann B. , LaDonna D. , Marcie F.
A sociologist did a study a few years back. It had 8 MO women, 1 Obese man, and one thin woman apply for the same jobs over a summer time of want ads. According to their resumes and interviews the 8 MO women were absolutely perfect for the jobs, prior experience, education all top notch. The Man had good qualifications but not over the top like the women. The One thin woman would have to return to college to finish a degree (2 years) had no real experience in the field, just an "interest" Out of 30 jobs interviews the Man was "hired" once (by a man with a very similar body type)- the 8 MO women were never offered a position, the one thin woman was offered a position 29 times.
When the sociologist went back in to ask why each of the interviewers had 'passed' on the MO women, they all said something similar but it had to do with "caring" about themselves or their work and sick days.
Needless to say after watching that documentary in class that day my head was about to explode!!!!!
Happy thoughts,
3 Sunrises POST-OP
Offishal Paper Monkey and Secretary Extraordinaire
My Angels ==> Whitney Lori
My Angelettes ==> Whitney H & Lori A
Have you ever felt all eyes on you as you fill your plate at an all you can eat buffet and again when you get up for seconds...everyone is interested in what you eat and how much (so they can justify to themselves how you got the way you are)....Have you ever tried to shop in a non-plus size department/store and have the staff ignore you are make sure that you know there is nothing there that will fit you....Have you ever gone on an interview knowing that you are the best candidate for a job and not gotten a call back...Have you ever gone out with your skinny friends and they get lots of attention and free drinks and you are invisible...Your skinny husband has absolutly no idea what we have gone through (nor does mine)---lucky him. He sounds sooo sweet to have looked up this information when it dawned on him that we are discriminated against...Is it any different for the MO guys???? Sometimes I think that the weight issue is more prevelent for girls and more accepted for guys, but I'm sure that I may be completely off base here.
Angelettes Lori and Virginia
Oh yes!!! Been there, done that! How about when you order dessert? Even if everyone is ordering it I always feel that I shouldn't be. I also hate the fact that seat belts never fit. Like hello!!! You don't think MO people DRIVE???? Another one, when I was pregnant I could NOT find maternity clothes. I had to buy them online and they were outrageously priced. I remember going to K-Mart, Target and Wal-Mart and NONE of them had plus size maternity clothes. When I asked the lady at K-Mart if they carried plus size maternity clothes she said "no, but we have plus-size clothes, have you tried something there?" Hello again! If I wear plus -size clothing NORMALLY just what do you expect me to wear when I'm pregnant. Do they not think MO people get pregnant and have babies??? There was one store in Wichita that carried large size maternity clothes but they were very high. I paid $45 for a large size maternity nursing gown. Maybe this is not high to some but for someone who shops at Wal-Mart for clothes this was way out there. I paid $60 for jeans, that I would wear for like 5 MONTHS and never wear again. I paid so much for my maternity shirts that I refuse to get rid of them and I have worn them ever since my daughter was born and she is 15 months old now. I am getting rid of them after surgery though!
You are right, our skinny husbands don't realize the prejudices that we go through. It amazes me that they don't see it though because a lot of them happen when we are with them. Is it that they don't see it or that they don't want to see it? I have often wondered that. I do love my husband though for looking up information. He is one that is oblivious to a lot but if you point it out to him he will look it over very carefully.
I think the weight issue is more accepted for guys (pitch in guys and let us know!) but I also think they get descriminated against also.
Well, I'm off the soap box for now. Have a great weekend!
Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary (a/k/a CCQC)
4 Days and a Wake Up to a New Life!
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angelettes ==> Joann B. , LaDonna D. , Marcie F.
Not to mention when you try to go to a romantic place with your spouse. You know all the skinny people get a big laugh. I don't know what it's like to be a MO woman But I can tell you it isn't easy when you 6"2' and weigh in at 400lbs and all of your friends and family are small. I'm the biggest one in my family and I tend to be the butt of all jokes at family reunions around the dinner table like "hey leave some for us" Like I eat that much more. I don't even go to then anymore. But I'm lucky my wifes family is GREAT!!! So I to can feel everyones pain...God willing all of that will be took care of on monday...
Hi Shannon,
I can't relate to that personally (the remarks about hey leave some for us) but I do know that my youngest brother, who is also MO gets that a lot at family functions. I always hate it because I can just see him wilt. It does so much damage to a persons self esteem.
My father left my mother after he returned from Vietnam because she had gained weight and he has always been very hung up on weight. The last time I saw him he kept telling me "if you don't lose some weight your husband is going to leave you". I finally told him that not everyone was as shallow as him and I haven't talked to him since. I talked to my step-mom when my son was born (2 1/2 years ago) and her first question was "have you lost any weight?". AGGGGHHHHHH! I HATE that. Why in the h*** does it matter what I weigh? I am still the same inside. The bad thing is that my step-brother (her son) is 12 and she has had him on different "diets" for two years now and keeps telling him that he just needs to eat better. Then she makes excuses about why she lets him super size at Burger King etc. She also has gained weight lately because she has a thyroid problem. Surprise surprise but her and my dad are now having "problems". Yeah! Because he cares only about being married to someone who is a STICK!
Sorry, your mention of family kind of got me off on a tangent! LOL I will be SO glad to be able to take our next family picture and be THINNER!!! I can't wait for my youngest brother's graduation this May because I will have lost weight and I just want to shock everyone. Then I won't see them again until Thanksgiving so then they will REALLY be shocked. I'm looking forward to people not recognizing me. Hey, I've never been skinny so I may not even recognize me! LMAO Who is that in the mirror there???
Well, have a great weekend! It was great to hear a male point of view on this, Thank you!
Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary (a/k/a CCQC)
4 Days and a Wake Up to a New Life!
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angelettes ==> Joann B. , LaDonna D. , Marcie F.