Please Please stop!
hello sally, I just wanted to say I am so happy you found a new Angel!, I think you should relax, and concentrate on your wls comming up very soon, life is to short and we all have other (home) related stresses in our lives to deal with everyday, so why get upset about this, and i think if your former Angel felt so strong about having an Angel who is (christian like her) and believes (like her) it should have been discussed before she accepted you to be her angel, even though I personally dont think it matters because the job of an Angel is to be concerned and let others know how your doing after your surgery,help with wls issues!!!! It doesnt matter if you pray or not, No where is it written an "Angel must Pray" weather you are a Budhist, or pray in Chinese upside down on your head it's your choice ! Some people sacrafice chickens, Who Cares!!! it just doesnt matter!!! were here to have and give support to one another, and I also must say you have a right to express yourself and did nothing wrong by bringing your concerns to an open forum, you were upset and I understand! God bless you! and thats my belief!