I just want to say that I've read Sally's posts as well as Nicole's and my personal opinion (for what it's worth) is that this has indeed blown out of proportion. I understand both of them. I understand Sally's uncomfortableness and I understand Nicole's desire to have a philosophically like-minded angel. It's an unfortunate thing that happened but it happened. However, in the overall scheme of things it's not really important.
I don't think any of us, other than Nicole or Sally, are in a position to judge anything here about what happened. None of us really knows what happened. I think both Nicole and Sally are assetts to our group however Sally has chosen to leave.
I'm here to get and give support for the surgical treatment of obesity. I care for and about all of you yet I know when 200 people get together there's bound to be differences of opinions and personalities.
Your caboose
There's nothing really to forgive. I was a little upset, but hey we are ruled by our emotions and passions. That's what makes us individuals! People say things(or type them in this instance) without thinking of the after effects of who's feelings might be hurt by it. I'm not mad at anyone, nor do I have a problem with people being upset, Im just a little upset that I was called names without them knowing what was going on!!
Thank you so much for putting a stop to all of that Drama.. We all have other problems going on in our lives. This should have never been brought to the board for everyone to judge between the two of them. And Nichole hun you where not wrong in feeling the way you did. That was your right. You did the right thing by keeping it private and in email. And Sally has a right to belive the way she does.
Now can we all just get along
Rob The Caboose,
I think you said it perfectly. We have other things to concentrate on right now and this is not one of them.
Now, about Chrisine's post below I must say that I agree with her!!!
I have also always thought that you looked a little ornery! Is that possible????
I also wanted to tell you that the caboose was always my favorite part of the train and I do miss seeing them whenever I see a train. Think you could bring them back???
Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary
(a/k/a CCQC)
5 Days and a Wake Up
to a New Life!
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire
AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angelettes ==> Joann B.
, LaDonna D.
, Marcie F.