Spirometer-the Patient explanation
Someone asked what that was. Here is what I had to do. It is a machine that measures your lung capacity and pressure. You breathe normal for a few breaths, then suck in air to get your lungs full then breathe it out real real fast. That is done 2 times. And then they want you to pant really fast.
Then she sprayed Abutinal (sp?) in your mouth, you wait a few seconds and you do the test all over again. (This opens up your air passages)
Then she took a needle and drew blood from an artery on my write. That is to check your oxygen level in your blood. Some people say this hurts. I only felt the needle ***** and it surprised me.
All of this is to make sure you will have no breathing problems during and after the operation. You know if you are on morphine it slows down your breathing function and my doctor is trying to cross all the t's and dot all the i's.
Thanks Edie for the compliment. I try to be a nice person..does not always work though.

Thanks Martha, I guess I'll find out Monday if I have to have those test, they don't sound to bad. I can hardly believe that I only have two more days of work then Monday will be here. I am having my surgery in Charleston SC at MUSC. My daughter lives there so I will be going up Sunday after work. She is a nurse RN at a different hospital in Charleston. My surgery is Wednesday . Thanks again for being there for everyone.