Reality setting in for Sally
Well, I had my chest x-ray, my EKG and gave blood and urine samples...tomorrow I see my PCP for a pre-op physical--it all started back in November when I went to see her crying about my weight struggles and asking her approval for me to try and have a gastric by-pass. I had read about the procedure being done in NC by a Dr. Rutledge for a flat fee and I was willing to refinance my house to pay for it. My sweet wonderful doctor calmed me down and said, not only would she back me, she would send me to a couple surgeons she recommended and would help me get insurance to pay for it...I was astounded. Never did I think this would happen....and yet here it is 4 months later and surgery is 12 days away. I will have to thank her so much.
Hi Sally,
Glad to hear you got that stuff out of the way. My surgeon has you do all that stuff before he gives you a date, so all I need to do is my pre-op bloodwork Tuesday and pre-op appt with the surgeon on Monday. I can hardly believe it's almost here. Do you know what time of day you're scheduled for yet? So far, I'm 1pm (EST). Hopefully when I see the surgeon on Monday, if it changes at all, it only gets earlier in the day!! I'm praying every day, not only for all my MARCHER buddies, but for the surgeon's health as well. Here's to the 16th - a great day for both of us!!
12 dtg
the 16th will be a great day. I had my pre-op today. Heart Dr approved me yesterday. Now the only thing left is to see the surgeon on the 15th. I am now having 2 sugeries in one. They are also taking the Gallbladder out as I have a pretty stone in there.
It is hard to believe it is almost here. I am amazed that I am still calm. There is so much going on with work and home that it is hard to think about anything else at the moment. Sometimes I wonder how a single person living alone can have so much to do. But it is called extended family and life.
My surgery is 8 am on the 16th. I have to be at the hospital at 6 am. I like those early appointments. As I am a breakfast eater. I do not have to worry about needing food. And look what happens after that. Notmuch food anymore.
We will all be on the loosing side. Oh Yeah.