Still a Marcher ... But barely
That's right Andie! You have now joined the Surgery Sisters! Mo and I are proudly members.... and Mo is right, you want to be healthy. Besides, coughing after surgery hurts like and you don't want to any more than ya gotta! Trust me on this, I am a voice of expirience!
Queen of Yarn Balls
March 22nd
March 22nd is a good day!!!
I teach kindergarten and I am very worried about catching a cold before surgery. I have doubled up on vitamin c. I have been washing my hands more, and keeping them away from my face. But as hard as I try, they still sneeze on me, hand me their pencil or snack to open with goobers on it. I will do my best to stay well. If anyone has any additonal suggestions on how to stay healthy these last 18 days, please share with me.
Wendy Ann