I had my pre-op today
As far as I know everything is a ok. They found I have a gall stone so they will remove the gallbladder too. The blood they took from my wrist was not as bad as I thought it would be. I just felt the needle *****
They did a complete lower abdemon sonogram, upper GI, Spriometer, Check the Blood Gas from the wrist, regular blood work and EKG. Started at 8 and was through by 10:00.
Saw Glenda Ellis too, She looks great.
Way to go, Sugarplum!
I'm glad the ABG (wrist blood test) wasn't bad. I've been praying hard, and I'm still most afraid of that. Go figure...I'm being gutted and re-plumbed in 4 days, and one STOOPID blood test is what's got me squirming.
Glad you're back and fine!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus 4 and 8.30 workhours to go!
I kept asking, " is this the one that will hurt". She said yes. To keep my hand open and do not tense up. Yeah right. But everything was fine. I tried to get them to show me the pretty gallstone they said I had but they could not get the data to come back up on the machine. I think I had a newbie doing my sonagram. I was a little unnerved when I saw a guy was going to do that test. But he was really nice and had the jell nice and warm.
When I had my gall bladder removed, I asked them if I could keep the stone. Yup...it's still in a little plastic vial in my medicine cabinet. It looks EXACTLY like a petrified olive...same shape and size even!
Yeah, I know...I'm a sick pup.
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus 4 and 8.10 workhours to go!
Hiya Sugarplum,
You are definitely on your way!!! I had my pre op too, but most of it was going through my instructions for where I have to be and when!!! And the after care instructions. I have had all my tests, though the did sneak in a trip to the cardiologist on me today, but that was a piece of cake. He cleared me for surgery!!
doin' the almost 17 days and a wake up happy Mo dance
Hi Martha, You seem to be about one of the nicest persons I've never met. I go for my pre-op on Monday the 8th. I have no idea what a Spriometer is and why do they check your blood gases. Help! is this something that I need to worry about? Good luck to you on your surgery and you will definetly be in my prayers.