????Is it just me?????
Tried replying to this while at work and the system just kept hanging. I think it depends on the procedure. Here in Oregon the docs were keeping laps sometimes just 1 day but averaging 2. Not sure about opens here. But I'm going to Mexico and will likely be in the hospital 2-3 days. I suppose 3 is more realistic, but I've heard several say 2. It depends on how the doctor feels about your recovery and pain tolerance. Normally I would be happy to be in the hospital for 4-5 days with my open, but with being in Mexico, I am going to make an assumption getting online and/or getting English TV is going to be hard, so I'll likely be stir-crazy. The doc down there also has an apt set up for $125 a night and includes a driver and a nurse to come in and care for you every morning....helps you bathe and dress, etc. That's really cool!
Dina --this staying up all night and day is getting old. Thank goodness I have 2 months off. I needs me beauty sleep!!!
Both surgeons I consulted with had basically the same schedule, surgery on either a Monday or Tuesday and release on either Thursday or Friday. I think if the procedure is lap the timing might be slightly different, but mine will be open. I am planning on 3 nights in the hospital.
doin' the almost 17 days and a wake up happy Mo dance