????Is it just me?????
I am reading these post from people who have went in the hospital and come home the next day or so. I thought that it was a 3-5 day stay in the hospital. Is this just a some heal faster or is the surgery getting better to where the stay is not as long as it was when I started this journey? I am not trying to take away from the speed healers we have here on this board...we always knew that we were the best. Just wondering if this is to fast?
The Irish Lassie
Shannon --
I'm thinking the same thing. I'm thrilled for them, but my surgeon told me a minimum of 2 overnights 'til he'll even THINK of letting me go. Unfortunately, I'm one of those that something always happens to, so I may be in longer.
I'm also observing that they're not having much problem with pain control. I'm THRILLED for them, but this is so not the norm for anyone I personally know who's had WLS. Two of them told me "you have NO idea how much it's going to hurt afterward...", and I believe them as they're not 'sissies' with pain like I am. I ended up having to stay overnight for an "outpatient" surgery (gall bladder removal by Lap) in 1996 because my pain was in an unacceptable range for them to let me go. Granted, I feel pain MUCH MUCH worse than others 'cuz of the fibromyalgia (FMS 'victims' have an outrageous amount, like 6-12 times or something like that, of "Substance P" in our spinal fluid. Substance P is the enzyme that makes you feel pain...thus we feel pain WAY worse than most normal people - lovely, eh?). I'm thinking that if I'm hurting like I suspect I will, I'm not gonna WANT to leave 'til they get it down to an acceptable range. Heck, I may just smuggle my PCA home with me.
Nah, I'm so very very happy for those who've made it to Newpouch before us. But everyone is different, so don't be surprised if Angel Mine Kathy tells you I've handcuffed myself and my PCA to my hospital bed.
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus 4 and 13.08 workhours to go!
I was also thinking the same thing. I am scheduled for 3 nights...and I too, spent 1 night in the hospital for lap gallbladder surger and 1 night each for 2 other outpatient type surgeries...and I am a good healer usually.
I tried to ask what type of surgery they had, and I never found out, but I know lap RNY is shorter than open...but I am very surprised too.
I know that I go in on a Friday and my surgeon says I should leave on Monday but possibly not until Tuesday. I would not want to leave the next day thats for sure. I'm a big baby and I want to know that I'm really ok and ready to go home, you know? I just guess that all surgeons are different....
7 days and a wake up
Perhaps it has a great deal to to with your personal health history, how old you are, and the type of surgery. I was out in one day possibly because I have no significant health issues other than being overweight, I am 31 years old and I had a lapriscopic procedure. I think one overnight was OK. I was in the hospital for 24 hours after the end of the procedure and was able to get up to take a shower the morning before I left. We are all different and the doctors are different too. Some of them are more cautious than others. It is certainly an individual journey. It does not seem so bad though when all of you share your experiences. Keep it coming.
Oh, don't misunderstand us...I'm thrilled for you. I just know my surgeon isn't gonna even THINK of cutting me loose 'til 3 days. He's pretty strict on some stuff...e.g. he doesn't CARE how well you think you feel, you don't go back to wor****il 6 weeks later. He doesn't want you messing up his "artwork". Not a problem for me!
It really does hinge on the individual. I'll be happy to be out by Easter!!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus 4 and 10.37 workhours to go!
You make a good point...I am 34 somewhat good health and I am too am having a lapriscopic prcedure. I was thinking that they keep you in because there was stuff to look after even in the easiest going of surgeries. Shoot I hope I am coming home the next day!!!!!! I would much rather sleep in my bed than there's anyday! Can I get an Amen?
I will be in prayer that you have no complications.
The Irish Lassie
Well I am having open so I know they automatically stay a little longer...shorter surgery time usually, longer stay, and more pain...yuk. I have a high pain threshold, but certainly don't like pain....I am considered a lightweight though with no debilitating comorbidities so I should be ok....am very optimistic.