March 9th the day of my NEW LIFE. Can't believe that it is finally here. ! Good luck to all you future marchers and luck to all you past marchers, may I join you soon!!!
Good luck to you on the 9th. I will be 2 days later in Maine. I am both excited and nervous. When I get to nerved up I just focus on seeing myself in a wet suit and kayak of the coast of Maine in July!
My prayers and positive thoughts are on the way for you.
Great vision Linda, I love to Kayak and I am looking forward to wearing a swim suit again. I have never bee thin but at least when I was a kid I did not care so much. Now I want to feel good and look just as good.
Yup, fellow Niner, we're inching up quickly!! I'm so-o-o ready!!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus 4 and 15.21 workhours to go!