please pray
Hi every one I have never posted a message before. My date for my surgery is March 30 and I am scared to death. If any body out there prays then pray for me. I will be having the bypass surgery. I have heart problems from taking pills to lose weight and a few other health problems. I hope that wont make the surgery more dangeres
Welcome to the posting for March. I had mine done on the first and I am feeling good now. I was nervous too but I was more nervous that they would tell me I could not do it. I had been under only once before and I stopped breathing several times while coming out of it. I started again one my own which is the same as sleep apnia I am told. Don't be scared though. The doctors will check you out and take every precaution to help you through this. This procedure is meant to help improve your current physical state and it could even help your heart if you loose the weight. Our prayers are with you and keep in touch. There is some awesome information flowing on the site. Please feel free to share.
Tamera Bender
How flattered we are that the first time you post it is to us.
Hey we will all at some time or another be fearful of what coulda, woulda, but probably won't happen. I can tell you this...I will pray for you because I am a spirit filled women and I know that I know that I know the Lord will be with you always. I want you to know this...the spirit of fear is not of the Lord so it has to come from the devil.
and well there ya know he is a liar and the father of it. You hang in there. I will pray that the Lord give you a peace that surpasses all understanding.
The Irish Lassie