Kelly, You mean you can't have any pureed stuff for 3 weeks? My dr. says pureed foods after day 3 and then on for a total of 4 weeks. Thank-goodness I like crystal lite. I need to get my stuff because I am NOT stocked up. I keep putting it off thinking someone will come up with a brilliant Idea that I just have to have. You know something really good with no sugar. I have some ideas from the booklet that they (the dr.'s office) gave me with pureeing (sp) smooshed is that better? Anyway it is with chicken breast or turkey breast, and broth or chicken noodle soup. Mashed potatoes, tuna. I didn't realize some of the stuff that you think is good for you that isn't. Just like the gatorade, and V8. And I'm diabetic, but I don't read the labels, shhhh don't tell anyone Who me it wasn't me Thank-you to everyone that have posted replies.
I'm a nervous wreck