I give up...I quit!!!!!!!!!!!
I decided to quit for good this past December... It wasn't very hard for me, because I was only an occasionally smoker, but it is hard sometimes, especially when I want to go the club with my friends and smoke is everywhere, but I've been doing alright...
My Prayers are with you, you'll do just fine...
Whitney &
My angeletts ~~>
Whitney &
(I have two of the best
s ever!)

Carrie Carrie Quite Contrary
(a/k/a CCQC)
8 Days and a Wake Up
to a New Life!
March Elevener and PROUD to be a Marcher in Newpouch, USA
Offishal Assistant Paper Monkey and Secretary Extaordinaire
AND Offishal Keeper of the Marcher Title Duty Roster
My Angel ==> Amber W.
My Angelettes ==> Joann B.
, LaDonna D.
, Marcie F.

Hi Shannon, I feel the pain! I am still smoking, I have tried to stop but it's not going very well, still
, I have cut down alot though, I was smoking a pack and a half on a good day, and now I am down to 6-8 cigs a day! I have tried cold turkey, and it didnt work, by the end of the day I was the meanest, Biacha on wheels!
, I will just try to cut it down to a few, over the next couple of days and hopefully i wont be (Jones'in) in the hospital for one, I can tell you its not a pretty site!!!! I will not in no way , no how hurt my new pouch with nicotein...also it will take longer to heal, because it cuts our blood oxygen levils, I have to quit soon because I dont want to be coughing up that non smoker goo in the hospital....I am going to pray for the strenghth to quit all together....I will say a Prayer for you , please do the same for me...Hugz Mary

I will be praying for you...
I went to see the movie "The Passion" anyway, that night I had a dream. I was standing in front of the cross at calvery. I was smoking my ciggie...well in the back of my head I could hear the devil just a laughin at me. So I turned around...then I was telling myself that if I could not smoke in front of the cross I needed to think about the fact that Jesus could see me everywhere. I guess that all of this together was a little much for me...I did something I have never been able to do before....I quit cold turkey!!!
The Irish Lassie
Hey, Shannon --
I quit last Labor Day. Actually, let me re-phrase that...the Lord DELIVERED me from it. It hasn't been one-millionth the problem I thought it'd be! There were (still are) so many praying for me, I couldn't HELP but succeed.
I still crave 'em every so often. But you know that phrase "...I've got the fear of God..."? Well, it's true. One of my Christian buddies told me that if God delivers you from something, and you decide to go back to it, that it'll be seven-fold (I think it is) more difficult to lay it down than it was when He delivered me from it. Ah, no way...my quitting was a CAKEWALK (2.5+ packs/29 years), and I'm NOT willing to do the "seven-fold" boogie!!
You can do it. If I can, ANYONE can! I'm praying for you ALL on this. God was merciful with me, He'll do the same for you!
Queen of the Niners, Instigator to All Marchers, High Priestess of Giggles
Zero-minus-6 and 3 workdays!

I quit cold turkey over 20 years ago. No small feat since I was a 3 pack a day gal. I was getting up several times a night to light up. I dreamt about cigarettes for about 6 months. After a year or so, I couldn't believe I had ever been a smoker. Eeeewwww...
You'll get through this. It's not easy, but the rewards are so worth it. I'm praying for a painless withdrawel for you.
Kathy C.
on 3/2/04 4:57 am - Someplace, MI
on 3/2/04 4:57 am - Someplace, MI
Good for you...
You're gonna do great!!!!!
Offishal Marchers Cheerleader Captain
Flatulence Monitor
Angel to the Queen
"It's time to throw down the pom poms and get into the game!"

Hi Shannon,
You can do this .I havent had a ciggarette since Feb 8 I'ts been real hard I have gained so much weight in last couple weeks its driving me crazy but I dont want to have breathing problems after surgery. Hope after surgery I can still be smoke free. For now I'm taking it one day at a time.