anestesia anxiety
Kathy C.
on 3/2/04 5:47 am - Someplace, MI
on 3/2/04 5:47 am - Someplace, MI
OK sounds like you need to turn off the health channels until you're on the losing side!!!!
Fear is perfectly normal and I am sure unfounded..
Anesthesia puts me in a funny jokey mood.. which isn't good in recovery.
I woke up once asking them to page my dr's and I was naming off all of the cast on ER... they don'****ch ER and thought I was disoriented and sent for Psych!!!! Which made me laugh all the harder (hysterically was their word.. so judgmental) then I was complaining someone in my cube was snoring.. (YUP it was ME) but I woke up just fine... and when I was supposed too.. You'll be fine.. and remember they don't like JOKES in recovery
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Flatulence Monitor
Angel to the Queen
"It's time to throw down the pom poms and get into the game!"